Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 14th - Charm

What is charm?

While there are quite a few different definitions 
(that's the english language for you)
the one we're focusing on is 
"a trait that fascinates, allures, or delights; 
compelling attractiveness"

Have you ever met someone, 
and the word that comes to mind to describe them is "charming"?

Has anyone ever used the word charming to describe you?

I haven't, 
but wouldn't that be nice.

I know that the phrase "charmed, I'm sure" has been used sarcastically and as an appearance of sophistication, and I couldn't for the life of me find the origin of the phrase...

but I can't help but think that it must have started out as a compliment. 

And we aren't the only things that can be charming. 

Start Quote
The minute we walk into a home, 
we know whether or not it has charm...

The warm resonance of a charming room 
beckons us to sink into comfort to our heart's content.

Simple beauty delights.

Serenity, harmony, and order soothe.

Touches of whimsy amuse.

Personal memory reacquaints the present with the past.

All's right with the world in such an engaging and inviting home.
End Quote

"If you have [charm], you don't need to have anything else;
and if you don't have it, it doesn't much matter what else you have."

Start Quote
Money can purchase beautiful furnishings and decorative accessories,
but it cannot ensure that charm abides with us. 

I believe this is because charm seems to be a quality of the soul 
that cannot be bought or sold...
It is accessed through our authenticity, 
expressed in our personal flair.

'Beauty doesn't lie in the expenditure of much money,
but in the artistic disposition of little,'

says a reassuring article entitled 
'The Charm of the Unexpected'
published in the August 1917 issue of 
The Mother's Magazine during World War I, 
when making do with less was a necessity.

Today, realize that 
'the desire to make the home dearer and sweeter to those who live in it'
 is still the enduring secret of endowing our homes with charm.
End Quote

Honestly, that's a relief. 

I don't know about you, but I don't have a ton of money. 

But I can have sacks of charm.

I think that if you are charming, 
it'll be easier to make your home charming too. 

so when you meet someone or when people come into your home, 
maybe they will feel "charmed", 
completely and utterly inspired by it, and you.

Some of the articles I looked at had some advice to share 
about how to be charming.

Use good body language and manners
Remember people and be a good listener
Be sincere, respectful, and gracious
Take care of yourself, in every aspect of your life
Dress up and be positive
Be brave and talk to people

My advice?

Be your best self. 

That is charming.

You're welcome.

Gratitude Journal

1) Surprises. I've never given my mom breakfast in bed because she's always out of bed before me, and has a routine that I don't want to mess up. So I had this crazy thought, why don't I surprise her with breakfast after she's all ready for church? So I colluded with my dad so he could tell us when she got in the shower so she wouldn't hear us drive up. We had all kinds of fresh fruit and biscuits and yogurt and granola, and the table was set beautifully. We had the kids in the back room with the TV so they would be quiet and wouldn't give us away. And then my dad led the kids back to her room to say happy mothers day and surprise her. She was very surprised, it was so nice to do something fun for my mom to show her how much I love her. 

2) My mother's day gifts. A cute little notebook, a card from my mom, in nursery they made little hand print key chains of the kids hands, we were given caramel apples at church, my dad gave us tri-tip, Robbie watched the kids while I took a nap, and he made dinner. Now I have some more alone time...eating my caramel apple. I feel a little guilty, but when I do I remind myself that tomorrow I will have the kids all day to I'm taking today.

3) Church. Even though we were late (we missed the Sacrament by like 5 minutes), and I didn't get to hear any of the sacrament talks because our kids were loud...the Sunday School and Relief Society lessons were pretty awesome. It was nice to think of my mom. One question was what would you thank your mom for? I thought of all the selfless acts of love that she did for me and Kyle and Shelby. They couldn't afford piano lessons, so she bartered by cooking meals for the teacher. She drove me 30 minutes to high school and 30 minutes back home (before I could drive and before we moved up the hill) because I wanted to go to University High School (back when it was still trailers). Being a mom to Shelby was not easy, taking care of a special needs baby is difficult...and I know Kyle and I didn't make her life any easier. But she still did it...Another question was what is a favorite memory you have? The one I thought of was the day I made my mom cry. I must have been a teenager, and I have no idea what I said or what I did, but I wondered where my mom went and found her in her room crying on the bed. It's a sad memory, but it changed my life. I never wanted to make my mom cry again. 

4) My health. 

5) My home. 

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