Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18th - Simplify

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I began to search for [a] common thread in the lives of the world's great spiritual teachers and traditions:

None of them had junk drawers. 

That's because all embraced simplicity...

Henry David Thoreau believed 
'our life is frittered away by detail.'

I disagree.

I think our lives are frittered away by lack of focus.

But how can we focus our attention on what's truly important 
when we're half-crazed because we can never find anything?

However, Thoreau's remedy for the frittering frets still works today:

'Simplify, simplify, simplify.'

This week, consider that with a little bit of courage and creativity 
you can find the breathing space you crave.

You may think you're only clearing clutter from a junk drawer or juggling commitments to find a few hours to get your house in order.

But your soul knows better.
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number one?

Get rid of clutter.

Also Elder Uchtdorf is always a good one to read.

And another one from Elder Uchtdorf, Christlike Attributes.

This also looks super interesting, 

Have fun! It'll be well worth the effort.

Gratitude Journal

1) Simplifying. It makes life so much better.

2) The kids graduated from swim lessons! Yay!

3) Family. Nana and Nana great, both Grandma greats, Cookie, and Papa all came to see them swim and see what they had accomplished. And eat, it's great how hot dogs, potato salad, watermelon and chips and dip (don't forget the diet coke) can be so good with such great company.

4) Sister missionaries. They didn't have anyone sign up for tonight so I figured we had plenty of food and I knew we would be home, why not invite them over? It was so funny watching the kids fall head over heels for them. It's great having the missionaries in our home, they bring such a sweet spirit.

5) Playdates and best friends. I really am blessed. 

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