Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 23rd - Dream Archive

The dream archive...
another journal.

"I am -as I write- 
completely reconsidering my entire house."

Have any of you ever felt this way? 

I have. 

I think about my house all the time. 
I kind of love it, and the possibilities of what it can be.
It is fun to rethink my home.

Start Quote
Not to move from, but to continue to live in and love.

How it works, how it looks, who it looks like...

As you awaken to your authenticity, 
you may notice that bare walls, windows, and floors 
beckon invitingly like a new lover, 
while the stuff you've accumulated over a lifetime 
doesn't seem to even notice that you're in the room...

However, my bank account, probably like yours, 
won't permit this fantasy and so I have to proceed slowly. 

We need to view this as an opportunity 
instead of a stumbling block

Our real life budgets may delay the process longer 
than our conscious minds might wish...

but it's the perfect pace to nurture our authentic flair...

Danish Proverb

Transformation cannot occur without transition...

The process is the reality and it 
cannot be rushed.

So we learn to wait patiently. 
To consider.
Embrace order.
Get ready.

Continue to prime the well with visual images, 
collecting everything that you can on paper...

Instead of being frustrated, 
you'll be grateful that you've been given 
the extraordinary gift of time 

- time to know what you love 
so you can love how you live.
End Quote

Sarah has some GREAT advice on how to keep it all on paper and never loose a single idea. Besides your discovery journal and treasure map
this is a dream archive.

Start Quote
[Use] a zippered, canvas, looseleaf notebook (seven by nine inches) with plenty of pockets for such tools as a tape measure, scissors, pens, pencils, paper clips, sharpener, and calculator...

Each room [has] a section of its own, complete with a wish list, photographs charting changes, a floor plan, and an envelope for paint chips, fabric swatches, and receipts.

In the back of the book...[keep] a year's calendar noting sales and special events and a personalized resource guide with the names and phone numbers of stores, showrooms, dealers, contractors, and material suppliers. 
End Quote 

Now my discovery journal is kind of like my dream archive...

And that's okay.

I don't do all the mapping out until we actually have money 
saved up and we're ready to start a project. 

I love her advice, but to each his own. 

If you haven't started your discovery journal yet, get on it! 
Or maybe try your hand at a dream archive. 

In my experience, it's super fun.

And free. 

Free is good.

Gratitude Journal

1) Letters and notes in the mail. I have had some of the most loving and thoughtful letters come my way, and they are truly inspiring and uplifting. I love them, and I love snail mail! I always want to send a thank you card back, but then they would send me a thank you for the thank you, and then I would send them a thank you for the thank you, and where would the madness ever end!!!

2) Mia Maids and service. I don't ever remember doing a service night like the girls did for me tonight. They cleaned my entire downstairs top to bottom, and most of my upstairs, and played with the kids, and all in an hour. Their service to me was so amazing, words can't really express how it feels to be so loved. And to be in a clean home...

3) Friends and water and shade. We had a really fun play date today, I'm truly blessed with such great friends and that their wonderful children are friends with mine. And water, lots and lots of water. And a dog that goes crazy with water and kids, so funny to watch. 

4) Old stuff. Not everyone will appreciate this video, but Robbie said "the back of your head is ridiculous" and we looked it up, and remembered this gem. Can I have your number? Caution, a few curse words.

5) We survived the hottest day of the year so far...if we could do this one, we can survive all the others too.

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