Sunday, November 12, 2017

November 11th - Grace

Grace is something that until recently I didn't understand.
And I will spend the rest of my life trying to fully understand it.

I thought that Grace was something other churches talked about,
but we didn't believe in it.

It is not talked about as often as I think it maybe should at church.
And I don't think I'm alone in this misunderstanding.

I first really learned about it when I read Believing Christ.

Grace is the help and strength given to us by God.
Grace is a gift, given to us freely because He loves us.
It is only through grace that we can be saved, 
we cannot and never will earn it.

Start Quote
Grace is direct Divine intervention on our behalf 
that circumvents the laws of nature...

Grace is an unmerited demonstration of God's love...

We access grace like every other spiritual tool, 
by asking for it specifically and regularly...

Eventually you get to the point where asking for grace 
is as natural and as necessary as breathing. 
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) Me time this morning.

2) Yardsales, and actually finding some fun things.

3) Leftovers for dinner, no cooking.

4) Baths and self care.

5) Lotions, sugar scrubs, soap, it all smells so good.

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