Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5th - The Goddess Within

Do you remember talking about Hestia?

She was the Greek Goddess of the Hearth.
The Romans worshiped Vesta.

Today Sarah expounds upon yesterday.

Start Quote
Vesta is the one who urges women to be quiet,
to sit, to gaze, to listen, to prepare delicious meals,
to bring beauty into our daily round, 
to live through our six senses,
to create a sacred haven of security and serenity 
set apart from the world in order to protect all we cherish. 

Vesta is the ancient goddess who calls on us 
to focus our creative energies on the Real...

The Latin word for hearth is focus.
Focusing is the sacred art of Vesta.

Focusing is also a crucial need today for women who spend much of their time rushing to fulfill the inexhaustible demands of family and work. 
The faster we run, the more conflicted we become. As we get nowhere fast, we lose focus and clarity, existing in a perpetual state of confusion...

 [Focusing is getting rid of distractions.]

In order to regain focus, women need to restore a sense of "at homeness" to their lives, which is what we are really attempting to do when we create 
domestic goddesses. 

We glorify women whose public careers exploit our private yearnings.
 It's far easier to live vicariously through their books, videos, magazines, newsletters, television shows, or infomercials than it is to nurture our own gifts. 

It is much more comfortable to create goddesses 
than [to] honor our own Divinity.

Don't misunderstand me. I love the goddesses. 
They are clever, savvy, and possess marvelous creative talents.
 They have much good to offer us; certainly I've 
done my share to make them all wealthy women...

But there is a significant difference between being an avid fan and a rabid follower. You don't have to belong to a cult to become brainwashed. 

When admiration leads to adoration, 
we unconsciously create graven images 
that diminish rather than enrich our lives. 

We deny our on authenticity. 
Disown OUR passion. 
Siphon off our own power by endowing women 
who clearly have enough [of] our portion. 

Is this what "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" really means? 
Being poor in self-confidence and creative energy 
keeps us in lack much more than a lean purse.

By worshiping false goddesses, 
we make another woman the Creatrix, 
instead of honoring the Creatrix within. 

If you're really seeking an authentic goddess, 
you know where to find her.
End Quote

Just look inside.

Gratitude Journal

1) Sunday. Sabbath days are the best.

2) I was in a really bad mood this morning. I'm grateful that it turned around! I'm also grateful for teamwork. Our kids were going completely nuts, which made my bad mood even worse. I tagged Robbie in and took an hour away from them, and then another two...but then I was ready to handle all the crying they could throw at me...which was a lot. 

3) Being able to brighten someone's day.

4) Beautiful orange tulips.

5) Being happy. I think we take it for granted sometimes, but then when it's gone because depression has stolen it from you and hidden it away you realize how much you miss it. I'm so grateful that my depression isn't constant, that it comes and goes, so I can experience joy and this wonderful lightening of my heart. To smile, to really smile, means so much to me.

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