Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November 7th - Romance

"She had been forced into prudence in her youth.
She learned romance as she grew older -
the natural sequence of an unnatural beginning."

I love Jane Austen.
Now I'm not like a well read fan or anything,
 but when I think romance, I think Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. 

And of course, if you haven't watched the BBC version, 
you are more then welcome to come over to my house for the day.
It will take the entire day.

If there's one thing that Sarah and I agree on, 
and we agree on many things,
it's that romance is a way of life that has been lost. 

Romance is a quality or feeling of 
mystery and excitement about everyday life. 
Sometimes romancing means to not be based on reality or fact...
but that's not the romance that we're talking about.
Romance is heroes, adventure, chivalry, and love!

But the world had taken romance and turned it into 
cheap sex, pornography, men who have no idea how to behave like gentlemen and women who mock and persecute those gentleman that still exist.

Today, Sarah talks about acknowledging our romantic impulses.

I don't know about you, but for me I feel like my romantic impulses were locked up and the key was thrown away for fear of becoming a romantic. Being romantic doesn't get the bills paid, or straight A's. We are taught that sex is bad instead of sex is sacred, and then we get married and we have no sense of self. Many people fear romance, because they think it'll lead you down dangerous paths. But it's not romance that leads you down those paths, at least not the romance I'm thinking of. 

The romance I'm thinking of is the love of life. 
For example, I love theater. I didn't pursue it because I didn't work on it enough, my skills or my self confidence. I thought that I should not take the risk and focus on my studies...

Start Quote
[Explore your] female psyche and you will find an elegy of romantic remorse 
- the unobtained, the undone....
Melancholy fragments of unrequited loves that stretch from our cradles to our graves. Regrets not necessarily caused by lovers who chose to live without us, so much as by recollections of the things we loved once but learned to live without.

It could be the novel you abandoned writing, the art fellowship in Paris you never pursued, the black velvet cape that finally found you at an antique stall but you passed up because, where would you wear it? (Everywhere.) 

The love you couldn't return, the love that frightened you, 
the love that you were afraid to express. 
The loving gesture that died in hesitation.

The romance of living that we let slip away every day 
because real life forces us into prudence.  

When you acknowledge your romantic impulses, no matter how implausible or impractical, you strengthen the intimate connection with your authentic self. 
Connection with those who cherish and love you unconditionally. 
Connection with those things that 
fuel your passions, feed your soul, keep you alive...
End Quote

Not like, oh I'm alive because I'm still breathing.
I mean, being alive, like really being alive.

So today, be a little more romantic. 
Let's not have anymore regrets about 
not doing things that we're passionate about.

Gratitude Journal

1) Naps. Oh my goodness, I love them, I need them, I wish my kids would sleep longer.

2) I actually made dinner. I was on the ball. Scalloped potatoes, savory pork chops...of course it wasn't done until like 6:30, but that's okay. The kids didn't eat it anyways. They had apples instead.

3) Rolling with the punches. I forgot about tithing settlement, and then Robbie got called away to go help someone and so I ended up going in my pjs, with the three kids, eating their apples. I grabbed the ipad so they could finish watching Beauty and the Beast, and turns out Netflix is blocked at the church building. Go figure. So they had to settle for scripture videos instead...and Bishop was like 20-30 minutes late...but we did it! We rose to the occasion. What what! 

4) Laughing with my hubby.

5) Kissing my kids. They are the most adorable creatures, like ever.

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