Thursday, November 9, 2017

November 9th - Secular And Sacred

There are always too many things vying for our attention.

They can usually be separated into secular and sacred
 We have been taught that it is good to 
choose the sacred over the secular. 

But you know what?

Now I'm not saying this to justify choosing secular things over sacred things. 
What I am saying is that we have to do secular things in this life, but we don't have to treat them as such. We can see how spiritual and sacred they are, and treat them that way and change our lives.

"There is nothing so secular 
that it cannot be sacred..."

Start Quote
If everyday life is our prayer, the moments we offer up 
to create an authentic life are our sacraments.

The Book of Common Prayer defines a sacrament as 
"an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace."
The outward and visible way in which we move through our daily round 
- the time, creative energy, emotion, attitude, 
and attention with which we endow our tasks - 
is how we elevate the mundane to the transcendent...

It does matter how we braid her hair, pack his lunch, send them on their way, greet their return, make suggestions, change the contract, return the telephone call, pass the pasta, pour the wine, listen to a friend, lift a burden, share a secret, visit him in a nursing home, check for monsters under the bed.

"For the wonderful thing about saints is that they were human," Phyllis McGinley reassures us in Saint-Watching. "They lost their tempers, got hungry, scolded God, were egotistical, or testy or impatient in their turns, made mistakes and regretted them. Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven."
End Quote

I know that as I've tried this last year to make everything I do sacred, even the most mundane things, life has seemed more full and promising.

You should try it.

Gratitude Journal

1) Choosing to take care of myself. I needed to lay down and close my eyes because I was loosing my crap with my kids, so I did so I could charge my patience batteries to finish the day strong. I didn't want to make dinner, so we had eggs. I've never seen the kids eat so much.

2) I'm getting pretty talented at killing mosquitoes with my hands. Aren't they supposed to be dead now? It's November, come on.

3) No school tomorrow!

4) Date night, new Pirates movie and nachos. Yum.

5) Getting help cleaning my house. I can't wait till the kids are old enough to start helping, like really helping not toddler helping.

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