Monday, December 25, 2017

December 25th - Christmas

"If, as Herod, we fill our lives with things, and again with things;
if we consider ourselves so unimportant 
that we must fill every moment of our lives with action, 
when will we have the time to make the long, slow journey 
across the desert as did the Magi?
Or sit and watch the stars as did the shepherds?
Or brood over the coming of the child as did Mary?

For each one of us, there is a desert to travel.
A star to discover.
And a being within ourselves to bring to life."
- Author Unknown

This is the very first quote that Sarah found for her book.

Start Quote
"Oh, would that Christmas lasted the whole year through, 
as it ought." Charles Dickens lamented. 
"Would that the spirit of Christmas could live within our hearts 
every day of the year."

But what is the Christmas spirit? 
Perhaps the Christmas spirit, like the nature of the Beloved, 
is meant to be a Holy Mystery. 

Perhaps the Christmas spirit is our souls' knowledge that things, 
no matter how beautiful, are only things; 
that we were created, not always to do, but sometimes simply to be.

Perhaps the Christmas spirit is a loving reminder that we must 
make time for the long, slow journey across the desert; 
we must take time to discover our star; 
we must honor the time necessary to brood over the coming of 
the authentic women we were created by Love to become. 

It has been said many times that our lives are gifts from God
- that what we do with them is our gift in return.

Today is the perfect day to remember this.

So this is my Christmas wish for both of us:
that behind the toys, tinsel, carols, cards, and convivial chaos,
there will come a moment of quiet reflection and peace.
That is may be truly said of each of us that we know how to keep Christmas well...

Merry Christmas! and God bless us, God bless us every one!
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) We were up early enough to see the amazing sunrise.

2) I got some really wonderful gifts for Christmas. I'm feeling very blessed, and very  loved.

 My dad got me my favorite nativity, the one my mom has. It is the only nativity I've ever loved.
Shelby drew a bird for me a long time ago, and I wanted it painted so that I could actually put it up. My cousin is the most talented artist I know, and I asked her if she would do me a favor and paint it for me. She gave it to me for Christmas. And it is so beautiful.

3) Good food.

4) Good family.

5) Sitting curled up in a blanket on the couch, next to the fire, reading The Chronicles of Narnia.

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