Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12th - Living or Existing

One of my favorite quotes from Wall-e is from the Captain of the Axiom. 

"I don't want to survive, I want to live!" 

There is a difference between just surviving, just existing, and actually living. I know from personal experience, I was just surviving for years when all I was doing was making and raising babies. Three babies were made in the space of two years, and then they stayed babies until...about now. I know the difference between surviving and living, and living is so much better. 

Today Sarah introduces money. "Worries about money mock you. They steal the joy of living...When you worry about money you dread the days and you agonize at night. Without thinking, you throw away every precious twenty-four hours that come your way. YOU CEASE TO LIVE, AND MERELY EXIST."

I have been very blessed in this arena. I have never wanted for the necessities of life, and I can't remember the last time I worried about money. Robbie and I know that if we do our part and work hard (and smart) the Lord will provide, and we know this because we've tested Him time and time again. Trusting in the Lord and working our butts off has helped us not to worry.

Sarah said "take heart. You have the power to change your lifestyle and move from a feeling of lack and deprivation to a feeling of abundance and fulfillment."

"The simpler we make our lives, the more abundant they become. 
There is no scarcity except in our souls." 

Besides trusting in the Lord and working hard and smart, we also budget and live within our means or live simply. There are some great tools out there that help with that, we love Mint, Dave Ramsey's 7 Steps, pretty much anything Dave Ramsey...Don't forget stuff from church like Family Finances, and this one might help kick you (or your spouse who doesn't want to budget) in the butt to get on it! 

I asked Robbie if he could think of any scriptures that talked about budgeting, and he thought of stewardship. And then I thought of the story of the talents. I did not remember that the parable of the talents is in the same chapter as the parable of the 10 virgins. Coincidence? I think not. We are supposed to prepare spiritually (fill our lamps), right? So doesn't that lead to also being prepared temporally too?And to be organized in all things? 

I've tried to encourage people to budget before, and I don't think I've ever inspired anyone. In order to simplify my life, I budget. I keep track of all my expenses and I know how much I can spend on the necessities (and a few wants) every month. Budgeting gives me power over money instead of money having the power over me. I know where it's going and I know what I have. I know I'm living simply because I can look at my budget and see what I spent on necessities, wants, emergencies, and how much I can save. 

Maybe Sarah's words will be a bit more encouraging. 

"Take heart. You have the power to change your lifestyle and move from a feeling of lack and deprivation to a feeling of abundance and fulfillment."

"The simpler we make our lives, the more abundant they become. 
There is no scarcity except in our souls." 

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