Sunday, January 15, 2017

January 15th - Embracing Simplicity

I don't know where I first heard this song, but my favorite version is from Jewel on her lullaby cd. I love lullabies, and I love Jewel, and I love this song. 

Sarah starts off with the words of this 19th century Shaker Hymn. And here I am reading it almost jumping out of my seat "I know this song! I love this song!"

And then she asked what do we yearn for? Maybe it's "the simple pleasure of concentrating on one task at a time?"...

How did she know?

As a mom of three little babies that's all I wanted, was to just concentrate on one, thing, at a time. Really focus on it so I could put my whole soul into it.

Gratitude is the first step, and the next is simplicity. "When we appreciate how much we have, we feel the urge to pare down, get back to basics, and learn what is essential for our happiness." 

"Many people believe simplicity implies doing without. 
On the contrary. 
True simplicity as a conscious life choice illuminates our lives from within. 
True simplicity is both buoyant and bountiful, able to liberate depressed spirits from the bondage and burden of extravagance and excess. 
True simplicity can elevate ordinary moments, dreary lives, and even inanimate objects...from the mundane to the transcendent." -SBB

I enjoyed reading this quote and looking up different definitions of simple: fundamental, easily understood, modest, effortless, undemanding. 
It sounds heavenly. 

Two thoughts came to mind. The first was the talk given by Elder Uchtdorf, It Works Wonderfully! I love the story he shared  about the sister who was preparing a Relief Society lesson. She decided she was going to make a quilt that would serve as the backdrop for her lesson. You read that right. This woman decided she WAS GOING TO MAKE A QUILT FOR THE BACKDROP OF HER LESSON. Life happened and she found herself staying up all night before the lesson to finish the quilt. She was exhausted, but gave a great lesson. And the word in the center of her quilt: SIMPLIFY

Anyone remember the mom from The RM? Outside with a chainsaw to make the centerpiece for her Relief Society lesson. 
Ha Ha.

The second thought came from Alma. Thank you scripture mastery.

"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass" -BOM 

I don't think this just applies to the gospel.

Do you?

Gratitude Journal

1) Holes in socks. My mom gave me most of my sister's clothes. For those of you who don't know, my sister passed away about a month ago. My mom wanted to throw out all the socks because most of them were knee highs, she wore those knee highs with her braces, but I took them because I was running low on socks. Today I put a pair on so I'd be a little warmer in my boots. I didn't take my boots off until after the kids were down, and I realized I had a hole in my sock....I thought of my sister and her cute feet that I loved so much. I loved to give her pedicures, and she loved getting them because she couldn't reach her feet very well. I thought of how I rubbed her feet for her in the hospital. Cherished memories, all because of a silly hole in a sock.

2) Primary teachers. They are given special gifts from God when they allow the Spirit in. I'm so grateful that they love and are patient with my kids. And for sending me this

The death stare...

3) Sleeping in. Robbie watched the kids this morning while I slept in, even though he slept just as bad as I did. 

4) Making dinner. Robbie and I made dinner together, and it was fun. It was almost like we were dancing. I would go this way and he would go that way, then we'd both be going the same way and have to squeeze past each other. 

5) Singing. Today was the first time I've really sang in awhile, I almost forgot I had a voice. During choir a friend told me that she thought I was awesome because I go to my meetings and choir and I have three little babies at home. "Bless you woman" she said in her Korean accent. That meant a lot to me. Here I was thinking the same thing about her, that she is a classically trained professional singer who doesn't think herself above coming to church choir. She said singing in this choir is where she feels the spirit the most. It was a good rehearsal. 

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