Thursday, January 19, 2017

January 19th - Joy in the Journey

Sarah starts talking about how we learn through struggle, but we don't have to. We can learn the same lessons but instead of through struggle, through joy. 

"Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path of joy. But this requires a profound inner shift in our reality*. 
Many of us unconsciously create dramas in our minds, expecting the worst from a situation only to have our expectations become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Inadvertently, we become authors of our own misfortune. 
And so we struggle from day to day, from crisis to crisis, bruised and battered by circumstances without realizing that 
we always have a choice.

But what if you learned how to stop the dramas and started to trust the flow of life and the goodness of Spirit? What if you began to expect the best from any situation? 

Suspend your disbelief. Take a leap of faith. After all, what have you got to lose...[Be] willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy."

*Not only am I a big fan of accepting our reality, I'm also a big fan of changing it. 

Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right."

If you think pessimistically that's probably what will happen. But if you can think optimistically, than that's probably what will happen. 

Which would you prefer? 

Please go read Finding Joy in the Journey by President Monson. 
It's funny how he also talks about gratitude, and quotes Our Town also. Funny how these things just keep popping up. 

Today while perusing Facebook I came across this girl who definitely finds joy in the journey, despite all of her struggles, which are many. I don't see any current posts or blogs, but I think her twitter is active, but I don't have a twitter. Anyways, I found her inspiring.

Then I thought about Shelby. She never complained, not once, about how hard her life was. I love her so much, and I'm grateful that she found joy in the journey and shared it with me. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Cuddles. We watch movies as a family at least once a week (twice if it's been a really hard week) and by the end of the movie all three of my beautiful children were cuddled on top of or next to me. Their squeals of delight as I take their faces in my hands and hold them tight so I can kiss every inch of their face is something I never want to forget.

2) Tender mercies. I had had it with the hitting...and today it stopped. Right when I reached my breaking point, the kids played nice all morning. God knows me and loves me.

3) The piano. Whether I'm playing it or giving a lesson or sitting down with the kids banging the keys making up a song, I love it.

4) Dancing. I love that my kids just start dancing whenever music comes on. And then Riley coming up to me hands outstretched for mine to dance with her.

5) The week is almost over. I'm kind of over it. I'm ready for the weekend.

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