Friday, January 6, 2017

January 6th - Dying of Thirst

Sarah starts off talking about how one day in the car she heard this song and had to pull over because she was crying so hard. This song had made her unbearably conscious of how sad she was, but she had had no idea that she had even been sad. 

I couldn't make it through the video, some old videos are awesome but this one was not one of them...the song not so much either. Just goes to date this book. Did you know this book was on the NYT best sellers list for 2 years in the 1990's? And it held the number one position for over a year.

Anyways, the message of the song is still good and totally relatable. We could be standing knee deep in a river and looking all around us for water and be too distracted or dense to see we're standing in it.

"There was so much I was taking for granted. I didn't want to continue to live unconsciously." -SBB

Start by acknowledging the good that already exists in your life. 

Live consciously. 
Be present.
Enjoy every moment.
Be grateful.

Here are some current videos that evoked the same emotion in me as that song did for Sarah... 

That I just need to open my eyes.

You Never Know

And don't forget of my favorite movies of all time.

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