Friday, February 17, 2017

February 17th - Safari

Safari is the Swahili word for journey. 

When I think of safari I think of Crocodile Dundee. 

It is "to leave the comfort and safety of civilization to venture into the wilderness. 

Each time you listen to the woman within-your authentic self-you do the same. 

Remind yourself of this often."

You are going on a safari of self and spirit.

"You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. 
What you'll discover will be wonderful. 
What you'll discover will be yourself."

Gratitude Journal

1) Parenting. Parenting sucks sometimes. I really hate days like this. These beautiful little kids who look at you and laugh when you tell them to stop doing something, or you spank them trying to discipline them because nothing else has worked, and they again laugh at you because it didn't even hurt...but I'm glad that they are mine to try and teach. They learn, I learn, and at the end of a hard day we just love each other.

2) Jam. And good friends who have the tastiest orange tree and whose stove broke so she HAD to come to my house and make my house smell amazing...friends and jam, what more could you ask for?
3) Sushi. I had my birthday early. With my best friend. It helped get me through the day, knowing I had a great night out planned. I had $26 worth of sushi, and yes it was amazing, and yes it was worth it. 
And crocheting in the car, sitting under a light. And my shoes matched the couch.

4) Today was Friday. It was a productive and good day, even with all that was hard. 

5) Ending the night with a movie and cuddling with Robbie, on top of everything else. And tomorrow is Saturday. Happy early birthday to me. Thanks everyone and everything. 

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