Thursday, March 23, 2017

March 23rd - Always

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, 
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

I love this quote. 

Well I guess that's probably obvious, if I didn't love this book I wouldn't be taking this 365 day adventure with you.

"I make a terrible Judy Garland 
but I do a pretty good Sarah Ban Breathnach...

You see, whether we are consciously aware of it or not,
we're constantly programmed by the world to be other women, 
not ourselves. 

We're supposed to look like Cindy Crawford
entertain like Martha Stewart
and decorate like Alexandra Stoddard.  

With this social schizophrenia, 
it's no wonder that most women are terribly confused 
about the issue of authenticity."

To be authentic is to be real, not false or imitating, 
true to one's own personality, spirit, or character. 

"To be authentic is to be 'genuine, veritable, bona fide, 
being actually and precisely what is claimed.' 

The only thing that we can genuinely claim to be is ourselves. 

But our best is good enough, even on a bad day...

We are all so hard on ourselves. 
We not only want to be other people, 
we want to be perfect versions of them."

When you don't celebrate your achievements, 
you are robbing yourself of joy.

"Did you know that Amish quilters will deliberately add a mismatched patch to each quilt to remind themselves that only Spirit can create perfectly? 

We need to remember that. 

We should only strive to be first-rate versions of ourselves. 

And our best is ALWAYS good enough."

Take a look at what the prophet has said on the subject. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Learning to say no. It's hard to cut things out when you love them, but it must be done, and I'm so grateful that I've reached that conclusion.

2) Bed time comes right after dinner and bath. Poor kiddos were so tired. Whoever told us that bed time should be 7 instead of 8 was a genius.

3) Thursdays. Thursdays are quite wonderful. They are the calm peaceful day before Fridays, which are even better than Thursdays. 

4) Ladybugs.  There was one on our rosebush this afternoon, and I picked up all three kids so they could see it. 

5) Baby cheeks. They are so cute.

6) Friends who drop off plants just because they were thinking of me. I just hope I can keep this one alive, the one my Nana gave me is droopy, and I can't tell if I'm under or over watering it :( I do not have a green anyone reading this a plant guru?! Help me please!

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