Saturday, March 25, 2017

March 25th - Nothing to Wear

"'I haven't got a thing to wear'" does not, of course, 
mean that we must resort to nakedness or seclusion;
it means that our wardrobes contain nothing that might match our mood or offer a just reflection of our current lives."

How many of us have said this? 

Well recently because for the past few years I've taken these teachings to heart, 
so I haven't said this much. 

And it feels so good.

But when you "have nothing to wear", 
it sucks. 

Start Quote
So what do we do with all the clothes we don't wear?


They just hang there abandoned, because of their size or color or lack of appropriateness, because they itch, or because we had that last terrible fight with our that sorry dress and don't want to be reminded of the pain. 

Spring is the perfect time to take stock of our wardrobes and reconsider our relationship to clothes. 

The wind of refreshing change is in the air.

We long to shed our heavy coats and sweaters for lighter garb. 

Let's shed our outmoded attitudes about what's fashionable, 
and replace them with new ideas about what works for us in our real lives 
and truly reflects our authenticity.

What if everything hanging in your closet were something you loved -
something that made you look beautiful 
or made you feel wonderful when you put it on?

Think of how good you would feel every day.

Embracing the second Simple Abundance principle of simplicity 
can spiritually induce such a miracle.

Later you'll clean out your closets and dresser drawers, 
but not today.

I only want you to consider your real life and the clothes you wear every day. 

Do they really affect the woman within?

Get quiet, go within, and be willing to really listen to the tale that the threads of your life have woven.
End Quote  

I am looking forward today to thinking about my wardrobe again. 

It is an exercise that needs to be done every year. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Moana. Watching it for a third time, even more amazing. 

2) My kids. They have, of all the characters, connected with Hei Hei. They have gone around banging their faces into the floor trying to eat like him Of all the characters, that's the one they try and act like. Hilarious. 

3) A full night of sleep. This is the first night in over a week that we weren't woken up by sick babies. 

4) A fun yet relaxing Saturday planned.

5) Women's conference. The last women's conference Shelby was here. She lent me a piece of paper and pen because I forgot my notebook...She sat next to me. I'm going to miss that. 

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