Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30th - Sense of Style

I really love these sections about clothing that Sarah writes.

Today, it's about style.

"Celebrating your authentic style 
through the clothes you wear is an art form...

Style begins when you seek and discover your strengths, 
then bank on them for all they're worth. 

Personal style flourishes when you realize that you really don't need as much clothing, accessories, jewelry, or makeup as you once thought you did because you've got attitude."

"We all know style when we see it-



all different, and all synonymous with style.

Their clothes, however grand or simple, 
proclaim not simply taste but intelligence, wit -a little daring. 

What you see is self-definition rather than trendiness. 
Style is the intersection of what you wear with who you are."

"This year, be willing to experiment to find out what works for you 
and what doesn't.
Then stick with what works, no matter what everybody else is wearing...

Your own sense of style may come in fits and starts, 
but trust that it will come and when it does, 
it will be glorious."

"Styles, like everything else, change.
Style doesn't."

Remember you're an artist

Gratitude Journal

1) Funny kids. Jacob covered Indy in blankets so she would be warm. Now my blankets smell a little like dog, but at least she had a good nap.

2) Blanket forts. The kids decided they wanted to make their own today, and it was incredible to watch.

3) Being super productive. I got so much laundry done!

4) Jacob. I love him. And that he's potty trained and speaking so well. He's such a little person. He came in to the room I was working in to tell me "Chase is breaking the wall"...well, that's nice. Thanks honey.

5) Oxy Clean. 

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