Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11th - Finishing Touches

"Perhaps too much of everything is as bad as too little."

Start Quote
Fashion accessories are the artifacts of our authenticity.

They can have sentimental value, 
track our mood swings, 
endow us with a sense of security, 
let our personality shine forth, 
or sabotage our best efforts...

They are the finishing touches that define us...

Clothes and accessories 
pulled together in unexpected ways 
can be empowering.  

Just think of how far Dorothy Gale traveled 
in blue check gingham and ruby slippers.

Remember that fashion accessories, 
like your wardrobe, 
should distill your personal style to its purest essence.

Love wearing it, or leave it off.

Finally, never forget that the most essential fashion accessories, 
the ones no woman can afford to do without, 
come from within. 

A generous heart,
a spontaneous smile,
and eyes that sparkle with delight 
can be part of any woman's signature look 
once she awakens to her authentic beauty.
End Quote

I love accessories. 
I'm not too fond of rings, sometimes I'll wear a bracelet, I sometimes do clip on earrings (I have some of the most gorgeous vintage hand me downs from my grandma, she too didn't have pierced ears for the longest time)...

I do love my necklaces and perfume. 

And wearing a purse that is not a diaper bag.

And shoes. 

My favorite sentimental accessory as of late 
is my sister's heart necklace and ring, and her perfume.
It makes me feel close to her.

What are some of your favorite accessories?

Gratitude Journal

1) Working out. It hurts so good.

2) Good friends, and good parks.

3) Cars and freeways, and that I have a working car (knock on wood) that is paid in full.

4) Running water.

5) Wet wipes, lots and lots of wet wipes. So I can wipe lots of dirty hands.

6) Getting the boys hair cut, and that Robbie can do it. Those clippers were the best purchase I've ever made. Saved like $60 bucks tonight doing it ourselves, high and tight...boo yah. 

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