Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22nd - Senses

"We were created to experience, interpret, and savor the world 
through our senses - our ability to 
smell, taste, hear, touch, see and intuit."

Sarah quoted Diane Ackerman.  

"Although we are sentient beings with the capability
'to perceive the world with all its gushing beauty and terror, 
right on our pulses,'
most of us journey in a dull trance, everything about us.

In order for us to awake 
and 'to begin to understand 
the gorgeous fever that is consciousness,
we must try to understand the senses.'

Ask Spirit to awaken your awareness to the 
sacredness of your sensory perceptions." 

I never liked wearing glasses, and so I just went without.
Recently I realized that my vision is so much worse than it used to be, and that I'd been looking at a blurry world.

I just got contacts, and I've been loving seeing ever since.

I was struck still by the beauty of the sky tonight. 

I've made time to stop and smell the roses...literally. 
And my food.
And my kids hair (like right after a bath).
I still try not to smell dirty diapers, that's just gross.

Touch. Glorious touch. 
A little hand in my hand, little hands gripping my face tightly, little lips kissing my cheek, a dog nose nuzzling my hand, Robbie holding me tight, the feeling of my fingers on the piano keys...

Waking up to kids laughing and saying "Good morning!" while the birds start to sing and the wind makes music with the wind chimes. 

I'm still working on that. And so is Riley. 
She more inhales her food, I try to savor it.

What are some of your favorite senses? 
Your favorite sensory perceptions?

Have you even noticed?

Gratitude Journal

1) Yard sale finds. Every year, twice a year, our community has a yard sale. I limit myself to those two a year, because I always find things and that means spending money, and gosh darn it we're trying to save and we don't really NEED anything. I've loved yard sales ever since I was a kid. Nana would take us every time we spent the weekend and we would pick a new toy, we thought it was the greatest treat ever. Today I stocked up on clothes for Jacob for the summer and possibly next. He constantly runs out of them because he hides them or wears them all in one day and then I get behind on the wash. I also found out how important it is to get to know your neighbors, I got a lot of stuff for free and one neighbor has agreed to sell me super cheap her boy's clothes as he grows. I got at least 25 items of clothing for $20... Besides that a few other knick knacks, like a baseball glove for Riley so now all three kids have gloves, Chase found nerf guns, a frame to start our family tree wall art, some decorations, a new frisbee etc etc. It was a lot of fun.

2) Grandparents. My mother in law came with us to vintage days, and it was so nice to have some extra help, and Robbie's dad helped him almost finish the wall. Good family is hard to come by.

3) Vintage Days!!! Since my kids were 3 and under everything was free. Sure it was getting warm, sure I forgot sunblock, the lines were getting long so we only got to do everything once...It took about an hour to do a petting zoo, a reptile exhibit, and three bounce houses...and eat dippin dots for the first time. It was nice to see the kids have so much fun, and at so little cost.

I would have gotten a picture of Chase too, but as I was helping Riley out, he came barreling down the slide. Apparently, he booked it up the ladder and down the camera and I never stood a chance.

4) Pretty smelling natural soap.

5) We reached our 3 month savings goal. What?! Thank you Dave Ramsey and your 7 baby steps. Now we can FINALLY move onto steps 4-7!!!!!

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