Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 3rd - Imaginary Lives

Today Sarah asks that you think about your imaginary life.

"If you had ten other lives to lead, what would you be doing?"

Sarah asks that you write down who they are, how they live and dress...

"What can you do to bring some of the magic of your 
imaginary lives into your everyday existence?

Brainstorm with your authentic self...how to reconcile fantasy with reality and bring more pizzazz into [your] life"

Well this is definitely not my strength. 
I've always thought of myself as unimaginative. 

I'm pretty good at knowing what of other people's ideas are good or not, and then trying to copy them, but coming up with a creative thought all on my own? I'm not sure it's happened. 

Even this blog. I got the idea from Julie & Julia, and one of the days coming up this year where Sarah will talk about promptings and if you don't do it some one else will etc etc...

Anyways, so me not be imaginative at all, here are my 10 secret lives. 

A Cowboy 
I always envied my family that grew up on the ranch and really rode horses, moved cattle and such. I loved the Saturday mornings when my dad would wake us up and take us up the hill, sometimes treating us to donuts, and we'd clear brush and other things on the ranch. Riding a horse that is mine, living in a house like my grandma's with that view, lots and lots of hard work...definitely pulls at my heart strings.

An Actress
I loved the theater. I loved acting and being in the spotlight, pretending to be someone I'm not. I would love to be dressed up, rehearsing, and opening night? And musicals. Just breaking into song because words don't do your feelings justice. 

A Time Traveler
I want to visit every time and every place. I can't decide if I want to live in Egypt or Rome or Greece or Italy or the 1920's...so I'd like to visit it all.

I would love to have a green thumb. I've been successful in killing at least 4 plants in the last year, and it breaks my heart. I would love to have an orchard, and rows upon rows of vegetable plants, and flowers...and know how to take care of them.

A Princess
I'm not sure which princess...but probably a disney princess.

A Witch
From Harry Potter. 

A Dog
If I could be a dog, in a loving home of course, and nap and play and love all day...it might just be heaven.

A Musician
I already had actresses, but I guess being a musician would be different. Expressing my feelings in song for all to hear

A Seamstress/Clothing Designer
I think this would be so cool

A Mermaid

Okay. That was really hard. Robbie helped me.

If you have a good imagination hopefully this won't be so hard for you. 

And now for the kicker.

"What can you do to bring some of the magic of your 
imaginary lives into your everyday existence?

Brainstorm with your authentic self...how to reconcile fantasy with reality and bring more pizzazz into [your] life"

Gratitude Journal

1) Lazy days. All I did was some laundry and play and cuddle with the kids, and read my book. It was amazing.

2) My talents. I'm 27 years old and I've been playing the piano for 19 years, and I finally feel like I'm beginning to play well. I loved playing for my cousins tonight.

3) Their talents. I love hearing others, and my cousins have such beautiful voices.

4) Trampolines, and cousins to play with.

5) Not having to make dinner.

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