Friday, April 7, 2017

April 7th - Dare With Color

"With color...people can express their own style and individuality...
If you don't dare, you are doomed to dullness."

"There are many facets to your authentic self 
just as there are many facets to a beautiful diamond,

and you can use color to express your many moods.

Today, think about the colors you love.

Are you surrounded by them or wearing them?

If not, why not?

Too many of us are afraid of experimenting with color."

Sarah suggests that you experiment, in your clothing, in your decorating, and other ways if your clothing and home seem so final 
(even though they aren't).

"Brighten up your desk with colored files, paper clips, and note pads. 

Tuck in perky paper napkins when you pack your lunch.

Display produce in a bright ceramic bowl on your kitchen counter so that you can see nature's vibrant spectrum. 

...Collect art postcards to post on a bulletin board or refrigerator, to place on a desk, to send to friends. 

Allow yourself to be carried away by colorful impulses.

The English art critic John Ruskin believed that 
'The purest and most thoughtful minds 
are those which love color the most.' 

Let your love of color 
express the many hues and shades of your vibrant authentic self."

I love color. 
I loved mint green for the longest time, 
I still do but not quite as much as I used to.
I used to hate pink but now I love it, coral especially. 
Orange and red have been a favorite of late. 
Maybe patterns is more of what I've been loving lately...

Anyways. I love color. 
The first thing I did when we moved into our new home was figure out what colors I wanted to paint everything. 

Sure I have to wait a little while to paint 
(we're waiting until the kids are like 4 or 5, 
when they stop touching the walls with their hands so much, 
and money...painting a whole house is not cheap)
I know what colors I want. 

I love color.

Be daring.

Gratitude Journal

1) It's Friday!!!!!

2) Listening to the rain while you fall asleep, while you read, basically listening to the rain doing anything is amazing.

3) The feel of a book in my hands, as I thumb the pages.

4) Almost finishing a book. If I can I'm going to finish it tonight.

5) Learning. "Love is the expression of one's values"...."Every man will stand or fall, live or die by his rational judgment." - Ayn Rand

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