Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 2nd - Four Rooms

"How to be happy when you are miserable.

Plant Japanese poppies

with cornflowers and mignonette,

and bed out the petunias among the sweet-peas 
so that they shall scent each other...

Drink very good tea out of a thin Worcester cup 
of a color between apricot and pink...

It was the small things that helped, 
taken one by one and savored...

Make yourself savor them."

Sarah shares that she loves Rumor Godden's memoirs. 
"She is a glorious storyteller, 
but no story is as riveting as real life...

The soul craft of creating and sustaining safe havens, 
set apart from the world,
in which to seek and savor small authentic joys,
is a recurring theme in her work,

whether the haven is behind convent walls 
or in the nursery at the top of the stairs.

Rumer Godden's secret to living an authentic life 
seems to have been dwelling, 
no matter where she actually kept house, 
in the House of Spirit.

'There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that 
everyone is a house with four rooms, 
a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual.

Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, 
but unless we go into every room every day, 
even if only to keep it aired, 
we are not a complete person.'" 

Gratitude Journal

1) Sleeping with one eye open.

2) Leftovers, means one less meal to cook.

3) Finally making it through that pile of laundry.

4) Still home bound because of no working vehicle, so I'm getting a crap load of stuff done around the house. It's nice.

5) If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I think my mom taught me that. I'm grateful she did. It hurts when someone says something mean to you, and it hurts to not say anything back, but it hurts a heck of a lot worse when you do say the mean thing. Better to just say nothing and brush off the hurt.

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