Sunday, July 16, 2017

July 16th - Seasonal Cooking

These are all pictures from the Vineyard Famers' Market

Start Quote
The joy of seasonal cooking
is the simplest of pleasures,
but one of the most overlooked. 

It brings harmony and rhythm to our days...

The joy of seasonal foods 
transforms even the ordinary days at the table 
into hallowed moments...

Cooking with the seasons is also thrifty. 

We often think that using the freshest foods possible, 
at the peak of their flavor, 
is a luxury, 
but seasonal cooking is the best way to eat well on a budget...

Summer is when Mother Nature shows off...

Gardens and farmers' markets now overflow 
with the goodness of the earth. 
End Quote

There are some great farmers' markets in town, check them out!

I've heard Sprouts is good too. 

Now if you're like me 
and you only go to the grocery store when you need milk and diapers, 
then you don't go every week to pick up fresh fruits and veggies. 

We eat what I buy and then go with canned fruit until the next grocery trip. 
And apples usually last for like, ever, in the fridge. 

But I can't wait to make weekly farmers' markets a thing. 

Also, organic? I found this video very interesting. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Robbie and I finished a project! Thank you thrift store plaque, sand paper and spray paint, and a little borrowed chalk board paint. 
And of course, chalk.

2) This phrase is from my patriarchal blessing. We are not supposed to share unless on special occasions, but I thought that today this would be a special occasion. It is so hard to be a good mom, and today every time I passed by this plaque I looked at it and read it and was given new courage and strength to have the patience, love, and understanding that I need and my kids need.

3) Church. Sunday school was a riot. While we had a hilarious time, plain and simple the analogy of trees is very relevant. In order to be strong, to have our roots go deep and to have some more "chunk to the trunk", we need to have trials. If we are well watered and have everything given to us then our roots stay near the surface and the first storm that hits us knocks us over and completely uproots us. 

4) The Matrix. The first Matrix was like a well watered tree, no trials no problems, everyone rebelled against it. It was funny in Sunday school to all of a sudden have the matrix flash through my mind. 

5) My kids. I love them. They refused to take naps today, so they were a little extra cranky...but crying toddlers are kind of cute, especially when it's bed time and they stop crying and curl into bed with their blankets and stuffed animals.

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