Sunday, August 13, 2017

August 13th - Tune In

Today Sarah quotes Julia Cameron
who wrote a book called 

"Become willing to see the hand of God
and accept it as a friend's offer to help you
with what you are doing...

[Please don't be mistaken...
God doesn't work like a genie
 who grants you magic wishes...]

Many of us wish we were more creative.

Many of us sense we are creative, 
but [are] unable to effectively tap that creativity.

Our dreams elude us.

Our lives feel somehow flat.

Often, we have great ideas, wonderful dreams, 
but are unable to actualize them for ourselves...

We hunger for what might be called creative living
- an expanded sense of creativity in our business lives, 
in sharing with our children, our spouse, our friends."
-Julia Cameron

Start Quote
Many of us have unconsciously erected 
seemingly insurmountable barriers 
to protect ourselves from failing or succeeding. 

We may think we're protecting ourselves 
by ignoring or denying our creative impulses, 
but really all we're doing is burying our authentic selves alive.

As you slowly learn to remove the rubble 
of the opinions and judgments of others 
(including your own internal censor) 

and exchange a limiting, toxic interpretation 
of a miserly, mean-spirited God 

for what Julia calls the 'good, orderly direction" 
of a loving and supportive Great Creator

not only will you encounter the inner artist, 
but you'll come to respect your art 
as a personal form of worship.

"Once you accept that it is natural to create,
you can begin to accept a second idea
- that the Creator will hand you whatever you need for the project...

The minute you are willing to accept the help of this collaborator,
you will see useful bits of help everywhere in your life.

Be alert..."
-Julia Cameron

[What should we be alert for?]

Spirit speaks to you constantly throughout the day.
You may experience a hunch, 
perk up at the suggestion of a friend, 
or follow an urge to try something new on a whim.

Train your heart to listen.

Today, adjust your spiritual satellite. 

Tune in...
End Quote

For example.

I wanted to do this blog. 
I had no idea where I was going to find the time to do it, 
but gosh darn it I wanted to do it,
so I did.

And what do you know,
I've made the time.
And the world hasn't ended.
If anything, the world is better,
even if the house is a little dirtier. 

All because I had this great idea
that sounded absolutely crazy,
and absolutely wonderful...
and I'm doing it.

Gratitude Journal

1) We have a Sunday morning tradition, at least this year since church isn't until 1pm...6 o'clock comes mighty early, so I put a movie on and give them cheerios and milk on the couch while Robbie sleeps in. This morning we cuddled. I laid on the fluffy carpet to spoon Indy, then she moved and Jacob took her place. He laid right next to me, so close I was breathing in the scent of his hair. Chase laid beside him, and so my arm laid on Jacob so I could hold Chase's hand. Riley came and laid on my legs, and Indy came and laid back to back with me. It was so special, and wonderful...I never want to forget that moment. 

2) Being okay. I took a nap before church, and I woke up way too late. I needed to shower and get ready, the kids still needed to get ready, we all still needed to eat etc etc. We ended up missing the Sacrament and arrived about half way through the meeting. But it was okay. I didn't freak out, I didn't have any negative thoughts, I just accepted the reality that I put myself in this situation (I didn't take a shower the night before, and I took a nap without setting an alarm) and it was going to be okay. I'll try to be more organized about getting to church on time next week. 

3) Hoarders. I love this show. Every time I watch it I start throwing things away!

4) Incentives. 

5) Spending time with the kids. After dinner we just played. We built a tunnel out of mega blocks, raced cars down a race track, threw a ball around, and wrestled with dad. It's good stuff, playing with kids. 

*Here's a funny...I walked into Riley's room to get something, and Chase is laying on the ground, Riley is holding his head, and Jacob is standing above him with a spear made out of mega blocks about ready to skewer him...and they all just look at me and stare as I walk in, like what they were doing was totally normal. The funny things that happen through a day with toddlers.

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