Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15th - Ignorance And Failure

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

But only sometimes, and for very good reasons.

Sarah shares some great stuff today.

"Ignorance gives one a large range of probabilities."

Start Quote
Trust me,
you don't want to know.

Ignorance is a protective blessing...

[Do you really want to know all the bad things 
that are going to happen to your art? 
Do you really want to know all the people 
that aren't going to like it and what they'll say?]

I don't think so.

"Ever tried?
Ever failed?
No matter...

Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better."

[Would you change your art if you knew?]
If you knew that failure always precedes success?

Failure is a crucial part of the creative process.

Authentic success arrives only after 
we have mastered failing better.

Other things we don't need to know:
just how much we've taken on 
when we accepted the artistic assignment.

"I must frankly own, that if I had known, beforehand,
that this book would have cost me the labour which it has,
I should never have been courageous enough to commence it,"
Isabella Beeton confessed about her 
Book of Household Managementwritten in 1861 
- a book that has yet to go out of print.

There's a reason Isabella Beeton was kept in the dark, 
as we all are when creating.

If we ever had an inkling of 
the intense labor required 
to bring the Work into the world, 
we'd be out of here...

We're not supposed to see too far ahead.
We're not supposed to know...

All we need to know is that the Spirit knows what we don't. 

If we get out of the way, we'll be shown the next step...
End Quote

It's funny how things just kind of come together in this life. 

Last night in therapy we talked about failure.
She quoted an ancient philosopher, 
I can't remember his name or if this is the exact quote,
but it goes a little something like this.

"You'll only fail if you breathe."

In other words, we are always going to fail.

As Shelby said, 
"Life is not so much what happens to us
but how we deal with what happens to us."

Failure is a part of life.

Accept it, appreciate it, learn from it, and move on.

Grow from it.
Don't let it consume you.

Gratitude Journal

1) A lazy day. After a very busy day yesterday, it was nice to relax, watch movies, play with the kids, stay home...Nothing pressing, nothing having to be done, except to be.

2) Good movies. There's a lot of crap out there, but there is also a lot of good stuff too. Like Star Wars.

3) Every day brings me closer to Jacob going to school, and potty training the twins. It's all happening on Monday, I'm so excited and so nervous. One day down, five to go.

4) Cool days and nights. The AC didn't turn on at all today. Yes, 90 something degrees is cool to me. I love it. And the whole house fan is broken :( so I'm especially grateful that it's so cool outside.

5) Cooking dinner. That's like 4 nights in a row, it's very exciting. Also, I'm grateful for power, and appliances, like the stove and the refrigerator. Whoever invented them, and then made them affordable, thank you.

6) The dragonfly that came and landed on my green onion patch while I did the dishes, stayed awhile like we were having a conversation. So beautiful.

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