Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 23rd - Music

"I think I should have no other mortal wants,
if I could always have plenty of music. 

It seems to infuse strength into my limbs 
and ideas into my brain.

Life seems to go on without effort, 
when I am filled with music."

Start Quote
You already know that music can be an 
exquisite source of pleasure and entertainment. 

But did you also know that it can be a powerful form of
prayer, meditation, and healing?

Actually, musical therapy is an ancient tradition.
Since the dawn of humanity, spiritual healers known as shamans 
have used drums, bells, and rattles to drive disease from the body, 
depression from the mind, despair from the soul...


Finding the personal music that calls to us authentically 
can be empowering as you learn to nurture your creativity. 

Music loosens the grip of our conscious mind 
during the process of creation...

Listening to Mozart can increase your clarity [and concentration]...

Piano nocturnes...are a virtual musical pharmacy...

Instead of smoking or sipping the 
next time you're extremely nervous, 
Erik Satie, or Stephen Sondheim's contemporary nocturnes 
in the musical A Little Night Music. 
[Really? A Little Night Music? If you say so...]

When your hormones are playing havoc with your humor, 
try Haydn

Bach's preludes and fugues are an exquisite balm for the blues. 

Gabriel Faure is a personal favorite when I'm frazzled, 
and Frederic Chopin's exquisite nocturnes 
can restore a ravished soul...

On another note, ten minutes of boogie-woogie 
can shake the deepest doldrums 
because rhythm reduces anxiety. 

If I have to work at night I find light jazz energizing, 
but for cooking I adore listening to songs of passionate hunger
 - traditional Irish music or opera

Soft rock or show tunes keep me moving while I clean, 
and I love to listen to country music when I carpool. 

When you crave more than the sounds of silence, 
there is music for every mood. 

Acknowledging your mood swings 
and honoring their reality with music 
to accompany the experience is soul craft.  
End Quote 

I have a very eclectic taste, just like Sarah. 
I like a little bit of everything.
I always want my life to be like a musical, 
just music everywhere for no apparent reason.

Check out Pandora and Spotify, 
they'll help you listen to a variety of music of your choice
and allow you to pick and choose what you like and don't like,
and they have free options as long as you don't mind listening to some commercials.

Gratitude Journal

1) The Elders randomly stopping by at 8:00pm. Elder's are great.

2) A relaxing day.

3) Since Jacob is in school for three hours a day, the twins get three hours to play by themselves, and it's amazing. And then when Jacob comes home, they actually want to play together. It's incredible. Distance makes the heart grow fonder?

4) Sleep.

5) A nice cool breeze.

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