Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 12th - Possibilities

"Our aspirations are our possibilities."

Today Sarah tells us about Wendy Wasserstein 
and how her plays became famous.

She didn't focus on what was unimportant, 
she focused on her passion,
she was humble, 
and didn't let failure get her down.

-Thomas S. Monson

"Every year I resolve to be a little less the me I know
and leave a little room for the me I could be.

Every year I make a note 
not to feel left behind by my friends and family
who have managed to change far more than I."
-Wendy Wasserstein

You'll only be as good as you think you can be.

You'll only go as far as you can dream.
Here are some of my favorite talks and things 
that I was researching.

Gratitude Journal

1) Workout. I went to workout last Thursday when I decided to stop making excuses, and I worked out so hard I could hardly move without pain the rest of the weekend. And even though I needed to vacuum, and needed to write thank you notes, I made myself take the time to go today. It was so worth it, and there's always going to be excuses and something else that you could be doing rather than taking care of yourself. Check out Riley's mad skills

2) Finally getting my hair cut/trimmed. I have been wanting to make an appointment with my aunt, but I just never knew when I could go or made the time! Tonight I was driving home and saw the Supercuts and was like, well this is happening because I might just chop it all off myself if this doesn't happen tonight. I'm so grateful that I could get all those dead ends off and get my hair straightened out! It feels so good, I can't stop touching it. The lady cutting my hair also said it looked healthy. Well thank you, I've been taking my vitamins

3) Getting paid. 

4) Robbie. I was super done because no one got a good nap except for Jacob, and I was really tired and frustrated. When we all got up I realized I still had to prepare for a meeting, and then teach my piano lessons from 4-5, so dinner wasn't happening, Robbie came home and fed the kids sandwiches for dinner. Everything is going to be okay, even when you have to put on a movie and have sandwiches for dinner because you're just done. And I'm grateful for that.

5) Pullups. 

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