Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4th - A Higher Calling

"Your work is to discover your work 
and then with all your heart to give yourself to it."

Sarah took a vacation to an Episcopal convent 
for a weekend of prayer, silence and working with the nuns. 

Not exactly my idea of a vacation, 
but to each his own.

She tells us today about a conversation she had 
with a nun in confession about how she was brought up Catholic 
and thought that maybe she was supped to have been a nun.

Start Quote
[I] admitted in the golden autumn sunlight of the convent garden 
that I now believed I had been blessed with a calling,
but that I had said "no" to God.

My sorrow was not because I had chosen 
not to take a certain path in life,
but because I hadn't even had the courage 
to consider the road less traveled.

Now it was too late.

She in turn confided that she sometimes wondered 
if she could have served God better in the world 
as a wife and mother.

"But when our hearts are open,
Providence makes straight our path,"
she reassured me.

Then she asked quietly:
"Why do you assume that you have not already 
answered God's call?

God needs mothers.
God needs writers. 
There must be some special work that 
only you can bring into the world for God."...

As I draw closer to finishing this book, my home has become a cloister, my passion my calling, my work personal worship...

Today realize that Spirit has no hands, head, or heart like yours. 
No other woman on earth can do what you alone are called to do,
can give to the world what you alone were sent to give through your authentic gifts. 
the call may be so faint you can barely make out the message, but if you listen, you will hear it.
End Quote

Gratitude Journal

1) The beach

2) Safe travels

3) Good family

4) Baby powder

5) Fabulous sunrises

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