November 15th - Angels

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Angels, Heaven, really?


But not like this, although this would be really cool.

Maybe more like this

Sarah thinks that maybe 2/3 of us believe in angels
I'll be honest, it's hard for me to believe.

I believe that they exist, that they have visited...
but watching over me? 
It's hard to believe that an angel, or even angels are helping to lift me up. 

But I want to believe.

Start Quote
Angels cannot be conjured up on demand; they're not genies in magic lamps. 
However, we can call on these constant companions to 
guide, help, and inspire us. 
End Quote

Here are some great articles I found.

 Here are some of my favorite angel paintings.

Maybe one day I'll actually feel the presence of angels...

Gratitude Journal

1) McDonalds. It's good sick food.

2)  I think I may have caught a cold. But I might have nipped it in the butt early...I tried to rest a lot today.

3) Kids playing nicely so I can rest.

4) Cars 3. That was fantastic!

5) Robbie. Coming home early with dinner and a movie, and not ever being upset by a dirty house. I'm so grateful for him.

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