Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3rd - The Velveteen Rabbit

Today Sarah tells us the story of The Velveteen Rabbit.

Do you remember? The little boy got the rabbit for Christmas, 
and it's about his journey to become real.

I'm pretty sure this was another one that was at my Grandma's house 
in her attic, along with her timeless tales collection

"Once you are Real you can't become unreal again.
It lasts for always."

Start Quote
The Skin Horse patiently explained to the bunny that
"Real isn't how you are made. 
It's a thing that happens to you.
When a child loves you for a long, long time, 
not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, 
then you become Real."

Becoming Real doesn't happen overnight to toys or people.
"Generally, by the time you are Real, 
most of your hair has been loved off, 
and your eyes drop out and you get 
loose in the joints and very shabby. 
But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, 
you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

In order for toys to become Real, they must be loved by a child.
In order for us to become Real, 
we must become lovers of real life 
in all its complexity and uncertainty.

Like the Velveteen Rabbit, we long to become Real,
to know what authenticity feels like.
Sometimes this hurts.
The thought of losing our whiskers and 
having our tail come unsewn is frightening.
In a world that judges by appearances, 
it's embarrassing having all the pink rubbed off your nose.

The Velveteen Rabbit isn't alone in wishing to become Real
without any uncomfortable or unpleasant things happening.

One of the ways that we become Real 
without too much discomfort
is by growing gradually into our authenticity.

As you learn to acknowledge, accept, and appreciate what it is 
that makes you different from all the other toys in the cupboard, 
the process begins. As you learn to trust the wisdom of your heart 
and make creative choices based on what you know is right for you, 
process becomes progress.

As you learn to endow even the smallest moment of each day with 
Love, progress becomes reality perfected.

Your black-button eyes might have lost their polish, 
but now these windows to the soul see only beauty. 

You become not only Real 
to those who know and love you, 
but Real to everyone. 
You become authentic.
End Quote

Isn't that one of the sweetest things you've ever heard?

Gratitude Journal

1) I don't want to jinx it, but I think the wave may be ebbing away. Today I was actually happy. I actually smiled for the first time in what feels like forever. 

2) Of course, life is never easy. With my renewed strength and ambition came a whole lot of crap in the day...mostly with kids refusing to listen, constant whining and crying, lots and lots of pee and poo everywhere. and not getting done what I needed to get done...But you know.

3) I made the effort and called my best friend today. I love talking to her. I called during nap time, and I thought that I'd have a good uninterrupted hour to talk. Well, no...not really. Riley and Chase refused to go down for a nap, both of them continued getting up and playing, and pooping. Chase took a 10 minute dump in the toilet and peed everywhere, and Riley pooped in her underwear. And Jacob kept yelling at me. So really I was talking to my kids most of the time, but hey! It was a good effort, and I really enjoyed the time I got with her.

4) Service. We got to watch our friends kids for the night while they went to the temple. It was so much fun having our kids play together.

5) Robbie read my mind. I did not want to cook dinner, but I was willing and ready, and Robbie came home early and asked me what he should pick up. He's amazing.

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