Sunday, December 10, 2017

December 10th - Gifts

Start Quote
Christmas is about gifts.
Always has been. 
But we feel uncomfortable with this emphasis on 
gimme, gimme, gimme. 
Buy, buy, buy.
Charge, charge, charge.
We admonish our children to remember the reason for the season,
even though we have difficulty remembering it ourselves 
when we're caught up in the chaos and commotion of the holidays. 

Today let's ruminate on the Real role of gifts in the Christmas story.

Those gifts were wrapped in miracles, 
which is probably why we can't find them at 
malls or in mail-order catalogs. 

The first gift was of Spirit: unconditional Love.
The next gift [was from] Mary. Her Christmas present was selflessness...
The gifts of...Joseph were trust and faith...
The Child brought forgiveness. Wholeness. Second chances.
The angels' gifts were tidings of comfort, joy, and peace, 
the reassurance that there was nothing to fear, so rejoice...
The inkeeper' were compassion and charity...

Three kings from the east...[gave] gold, frankincense, and myrrh,
but their Real gifts were wonder, acceptance, and courage...

Oh yes. Christmas is all about gifts. 
Nothing but gifts.
But such gifts!
Gifts tied with heartstrings.
Gifts that surprise and delight.
Gifts that transform the mundane into the miraculous.  
Gifts that nurture the souls of both the giver and the given.

Perfect gifts. Authentic gifts. The gifts of Spirit...

Unconditional Love. Selflessness. Trust. Faith. Forgiveness. Wholeness. Second Chances. Comfort. Joy. Peace. Reassurance. Rejoicing. Generosity. Compassion. Charity. Wonder. Acceptance. Courage.

To give such gifts. 
To truly open our hearts to receive such gifts gratefully. 

Christmas just won't be Christmas without any presents.
End Quote

I love presents.
I love giving them, making them, buying them, 
and of course getting them. Who doesn't like getting presents? 

I've been in some awkward gifting situations. 
One where almost everyone received gift cards, one where everyone got gifts except our family...well, actually these have happened several times. 

I remember receiving clothing that was nothing like me, I got guitar music one year instead of piano music, I even got a duplicate cd one year and no one would take one of them back...

So I used to be really jaded about gifts.
But after this journey last year, I can't see why you would be.
Now all I can think of is how wonderful anything is that is given to me.
Which is big for me, because I think two years ago 
I went home crying and I cried all night.

Now, I'm just grateful. I'm grateful that someone thought of me.
I'm grateful that I get to be surrounded by family. 
I have so much family I have like five Christmases,
it is truly wonderful.
I am so excited now to give gifts, 
to really think about someone and try really hard 
to get them something that they are going to enjoy 
because I love them and want them to have fun.

Also, what gifts can we give back to the Savior this next year?

Also, do not spend money you don't have.
If Christmas is tight, then it's tight. 
I hope that if you have been jaded by gifts as I have been, 
this Christmas you can find joy in giving and receiving.

Always remember the reason for the season,
and the symbolism behind all the traditions.

Gratitude Journal

1) Church. I love church in December, I love singing Christmas songs.

2) Dressing up just for the fun of it. I wore this gorgeous black velvet floor length dress with red lips and a large sparkly necklace. No picture...I don't know how it always happens, but Sunday's there just never seems to be quite enough time to do everything you want to do.

3) My piano students. I've been helping a few of them on Sunday evenings to make sure they were able to perfect their songs by our recital, and today is the last Sunday! The past couple Sunday's I've spent 1-2 hours helping them, and today I didn't even spend 30 minutes. I showed up, they played for me, and it was perfect. It is such a good feeling, seeing someone progress from "I can't do this" to "I totally got this". 

4) I'm grateful that I don't have to parent by myself. The twins were being terrible again so they just stayed home from church with Robbie.

5) Early bedtime. Picture this, three kids, a four year old and two three year olds, all crying, whining, yelling, and being violent, disobedient, and just plain rude. So we put them to bed after dinner. Jacob passed out right away, and Riley and Chase played quietly in bed until they fell asleep. It was like a miracle. Robbie and I actually got to spend time together, and we didn't yell at the kids. I hope they're not up at the crack of dawn. But then again, I miss them and wouldn't mind some early morning cuddles to start the day.

6) I may have burnt dinner, but I didn't burn the house down. Now if I could just get rid of the burnt smell maybe I could sleep...I'm going to go try Odoban.

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