Tuesday, December 12, 2017

December 12th - The Gift Of Yourself

"There is only one real deprivation...
and that is not to be able to give one's gifts 
to those one loves most." 

Today Sarah starts with the "one-size-fits-all gift 
that would be absolutely thrilling for everyone on your list: 
the gift of yourself."

Start Quote
Unfortunately, this most personal gift is very expensive,
for it requires large expenditures of our precious, but dwindling, 
natural resources. Time. Creative Energy. Emotion...

This doesn't mean that we DON'T want to 
give of ourselves during the holidays. 
Actually, that's what we're trying desperately trying to do.

Obviously we're not doing it very well.
This is why many of us end up feeling 
depressed and discouraged as we pack away the ornaments. 
[Yep, one year I just cried. And cried. And cried.]
How did Christmas slip out of our grasp, again?

Because we were holding too many things at once:
obligations, promises, should-dos, conflicting commitments.
 "Oh, sure, no problem" is the first indication 
of the discombobulated mind. 

First thing: excuse yourself 
from every evening meeting for the rest of the month.
Only accept social events that you really want to attend...

On the first day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves:
The gift of my Undivided Attention
On the second day...The gift of Enthusiasm
 On the third day...The gift of Creative Energy
On the fourth day...The gift of Simple Seasonal Pleasures
On the fifth day...The Gift of Tenderness
On the sixth day...The gift of Good Cheer
On the seventh day...The gift of Beauty
On the eighth day...The gift of Communication
On the ninth day...The gift of Surprise
On the tenth day...The gift of Wonder
On the eleventh day...The gift of Peaceful Surroundings
On the twelfth day of Christmas, I gave to my true loves:
The gift of Joy...

Be ready at all times to give those you love the simply abundant gifts of Spirit. If you do, they'll give you Christmas gifts you'll never forget: happy smiles and contented hearts. And you won't want to exchange them. 
End Quote  

Undivided attention, enthusiasm, creative energy, simple seasonal pleasures, tenderness, good cheer, beauty, communication, surprise, wonder, peaceful surroundings and joy.      

To my true loves.
Robbie surprised me with an early Christmas gift. 
I hate surprises. But that is no excuse, I was a total jerk. 
I blame being tired and depressed and not liking learning how to do knew things, but those are still just excuses. 
You didn't see how sad he was that I wasn't excited about his gift.

Ladies and gentlemen, we can do better.
Because it matters.
Because we love them.

Gratitude Journal

1) Finishing a project! Hello sparkly, jingly Christmas wreath.

2) Going over to a friends house to help and visit. It's nice.

3) Two friends coming over and helping me clean. That is also nice.

4) Not being alone today. One of my friends not only came over and helped me clean, but she brought me chocolate. And not just any chocolate. Good chocolate.

5) Today is the anniversary of my sister's passing. Not going to lie, it hurts. It hurts a lot. But I'm so grateful for my family, my friends, my testimony and faith, my God and my Savior. I cling to my belief that because we are sealed together we will be together forever, throughout all eternity. That death is not the end. I'm so grateful for this time of year, even though it now has sorrow mixed with joy.

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