Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15th - Reading

I love reading. 
I could read all day every day.

Start Quote
In real life there are women who read and women who read too little.
There aren't women who read too much because this is an impossible feat...

Any time of the day is perfect for reading.
Any place.
Any excuse.
Reading is the last refuge for addictive personalities;
there are no bad side effects from reading too much...

Books...turn us.
Turn us on to our passions and to pursuing our passions.
Turn us into authentic women.
When a sentence in a book resonates within, 
it is the voice of your authentic self.
Listen to what she's trying to tell you...

Everything you've ever read, loved, and remembered
is now a part of your consciousness.

What is once cherished can never perish.
End Quote

My favorite authors are Orson Scott Card and Ayn Rand.  
And I love Lee Child, and C. S. Lewis...
And I'm too tired to think of any more.

Sarah is wrong, there is at least one time that is not a good time.
Right now, because I'm going to bed because I'm exhausted.

Gratitude Journal

1) Piano 2017 is over! Woohoo! The recital was awesome. I'm so proud of my students.

2) Robbie for coming and helping me set up for the recital. And he also came home during lunch because I couldn't figure out how to turn off the stupid smoke detector that kept beeping and I was about to have a conniption.

3) My family. I invited them to my student's recital, and they came to support me. I'm so grateful.

4) My aunt and cousins, they watched the kids during the recital. When I dropped them off, my three kids screamed bloody murder and they had to literally be dragged kicking and crying into the house.

5) It's Friday! I'm so ready for the weekend.

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