Saturday, December 23, 2017

December 23rd - It's A Wonderful Life

I've never seen the movie, but from what I've heard,
George had had a run of bad luck...
Start Quote
After angrily wishing he'd never been born, [George is] about to jump off a bridge, when he's rescued by his guardian angel who temporarily grants his wish by showing him what the world would have been like without his authentic contribution.

George believes he's never had a lucky  break. 
But when he steps back to reconsider his choices, 
he realizes they were the right ones.
He's also a rich man: he has a loving and supportive wife,
healthy children, work that makes a difference, 
and more friends than his house can even hold at one time.

Quite frankly, it's a wonderful life he was about to throw away.

We can discover just how wonderful our lives are - exactly as they are right at this moment - by doing what George did (without the bridge scene!). 

We can step back and take another look at our lives and the lives we've touched...Next year I want you to seriously consider writing your own authentic meditations. Start slowly. Only write one every week or every month. Search for the Sacred in the ordinary and you'll find it. Nothing in your life is too insignificant to be a source of inspiration...

"We do not write in order to be understood,
we write in order to understand."
 End Quote

I guess I don't need to see the movie to understand,
I've got my own wonderful life.

" When there's a smile in your heart
There's no better time to start
Think of all the joy you'll find
When you leave the world behind
And bid your cares goodbye
You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!"
-Peter Pan

Gratitude Journal

1) Van Patten Christmas. Spaghetti dinner, wonderful family, amazing presents...just good. 

2) Watching the kids play with their new toys and their cousins.

3) Trying to get Jacob to say spaghetti right. He kept saying the classic spa-sghetti. It was adorable.

4) Jacob and I made cookies in a jar. I hope they taste good, they were sure fun to make!

5) Vacation! 


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