Sunday, January 21, 2018


Today in Relief Society our lesson was on Sharon Eubank's talk Turn On Your Light. Our teacher also referred us to our new prophet's talk A Plea to my Sisters. One of the ways Sharon tells us we can turn on our light is by being articulate. As we were discussing this, our dear RS President said "Ask her, she has a blog!" and I about died. Being put on the spot, I'm actually not very good at being articulate. I ramble, and have a hard time making my point. 

Well, I think I still do that in my writing too, and I spend a pretty good deal of time on that and I'm not put on the spot, so...

So I was thinking about it and I wanted to share my thoughts.
I was very grateful that someone things I'm articulate, that I'm good at expressing myself and my feelings clearly. This is how I think I got to where I am, and this is how I plan on continuing to grow more articulate. These are things that everyone can do, no matter how well or not well you think you speak.

To not be afraid or ashamed, 
and to have faith and courage.

Now this is more easily said then done, and is two fold.
In order to be brave, you must also do this.

Know yourself
Know God
Know the scriptures and the gospel
In short, be knowledgeable

But also knowing that you don't have all the answers, and that not every problem needs to be solved right now. You don't have to know everything, but you can know some things and have faith in the rest, and that is good enough. Be patient with yourself and show the same courtesy to others. No one is perfect, especially in speaking, and do you know everything? No. Only God is omnipotent, so don't worry about not knowing everything. Just keep learning.

But you have to work on it, getting to know yourself and know God every single day, or when the time comes to be brave and speak up you won't be able to.

Do not stoop to contention and anger
Learn to walk away

We need to be brave most when we are being attacked, but do not stoop to their level. Stop them right there, tell them the truth that you know, and tell them that you can still love them and disagree with them. Sometimes, they won't even let you get your words out. That's when you walk away, because their hearts are hardened and their ears shut and not one word you say is going to make a difference right then. But you walking away, not in anger, saying that you'd be more than happy to have a discussion in a civilized manner without contention, and that you still love them, that might make a difference. 
If not to them, at least it will to you.

We also need this in normal daily tasks. Not being afraid to pray in public, or talk about our Savior when you know that's what someone needs, or give someone a Book of Mormon, etc etc. 

Always speak with Love

If you're not speaking with love, you're doing it wrong.

Yes, it would be nice if we could have perfect grammar, have a great vocabulary, speak eloquently, know exactly when to pause and what to say at the perfect moment...

But for most of us it's probably not going to happen. 

So don't worry about that stuff. If you want to work on it, do it. 
But for me, right now, it's not a priority.

What is a priority, is being brave. 
Not being afraid to speak the truth, even if it's unpopular.
Continuing to learn and grow my faith and testimony.
Continuing to know myself and my God 
and learn how to become more like my Savior.
Never speaking in anger or contention and learning to walk away.
Always speaking with love.

I know, maybe this doesn't seem very conventional, 
but this is how I have learned to speak. 

I hope that it helps you as much as it has helped me 
in becoming more articulate about sharing the gospel.

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