Thursday, January 17, 2019

Let It Begin

Oh. My. Goodness.

So I actually started to do my goals!

And it felt like it might kill me. 


Since it was raining off and on this week, and I also hurt my toe
(so I couldn't wear shoes, or walk without pain)
on Monday I decided to stay inside and do a yoga video.

I love thrift stores, and I got a whole bunch of yoga dvds that I have yet to watch. 
I started with one about Spirit, thinking that sounded relaxing and motivating,
thinking that it would be like other videos I've watched...
you know, where they explain the move, do it slowly and show you how?

Yeah no.

This woman (Ana Forrest) was doing stuff like this, and she was just goin'.

Now, I got like 5 videos for a 25 cents, so I'm not really complaining, but...

Holy Crap.

So I just watched her, and stretched. 
When I started stretching I couldn't touch my toes. 
When I finished stretching 30 minutes later I could touch my toes...

And then I was so sore I could barely move the next day.

You think that's crazy?! Well how do you think it made me feel???!!!
I felt so lame.
And of course I had plenty of excuses for not working out Wednesday, 
like Robbie and I stayed up till 1 AM on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning because we went on a date to The King and I and then worked instead of going to bed after we got home...
so I was exhausted.

Thursday of course offered up plenty more excuses.

BUT! That didn't stop me.

Therapy has taught me many things, 
one of which is that you have to think positive and take care of yourself. 
So instead of forcing myself to workout, I chose rest.
Instead of beating myself up about NOT working out, 
I accepted that I made that choice and chose to be happy with the choice I made. 
And I chose to not let the fact that I didn't work out
make me quit trying to fit it in...even if it's not till next week.


Positive parenting was very informative this week.
I did Session 1, Lesson 1 & 2.

I learned that in order to get the best out of this program, you have to
go in order, go at your own pace, do the workbook, and be all in.

I also learned about democracy in the family, and why kids misbehave.

In the past, it was "you need to do this because I said so", 
but now society is different. Dad doesn't come home and say "jump" and mom says "how high?", 
so why should kids?

Amy bases a lot of her tools on Alfred Adler and his theories, that everyone (including children) deserves respect, our actions are goal oriented, and that we want to belong, have a purpose, and free will.

Now that is a lot to's really is a different way of thinking. 
Sometimes it's really hard to think of our children as little people, with big emotions, who don't know how to respond in positive healthy ways until they are taught...and teaching takes a lot of time and consistency. It's hard to think that they're not misbehaving just to piss me off, that they're "misbehaving" because in the past that's what's worked to get my attention.

But think about how you would behave if someone told you what you had to eat, wear, go and do every day. It would get a little frustrating. What if you were just commanded to do things, instead of asked nicely? What if you were upset and didn't know what to do about it, and someone you love just starts yelling at you? It wouldn't feel good, would it.

I can't wait to start to internalize this and start using the tools. 
But man, it's hard.
But I'm so grateful. I'm ready to stop yelling, and nagging, 
and losing my crap because I've asked them to do something a thousand times....
like I did tonight. 

Tonight was not bad, but it certainly wasn't pretty. 

My goal is next week to spend more time listening to the audios over and over so it can really settle in. The first lesson was easy, it was 3 minutes long...the second one was harder, it's 12 minutes long. 
Literally finding 12 minutes the past few days of uninterrupted time has been really difficult...
and then the week is gone. Done. Finished. 

So I might do Lesson 2 again this next week so I can really wrap my head around it...
One thing that is very frustrating for me is that I'd like to do this faster. 
She keeps saying "Don't worry, I'll teach you a tool for that" and all I want to do is shout
Tell Me NOW!!!
And that's why the first lesson was on going in order...


We did parts of the this weeks Come Follow Me lesson throughout the week.
When we watched the bible video, we saw some of the fruits of our labors.
The kids were like, "That's Mary! That's the angel! That's Jesus!"
It was really cool.

Now granted, they maybe think everyone with a beard is Joseph, or Jesus....but ya know.

Next week I'd like to spend a little more time on the scriptures and lesson, a little time each day...

One step at a time.
And remembering that I'm already doing more than I was, so, there's that.

Have a great week next week!

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