Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28th - Discovery Journal

"The key to loving how you live 
is in knowing what it is you truly love."

Yes. You read that right.

Another journal. 

First you've got the gratitude journal.
Then you've got a journal that you can just let it all out in, your feelings, your thoughts, your worries, hopes, dreams, plans, questions, answers, etc. 

And now you've got a discovery journal. 

Please don't let this worry you, or overwhelm you. 
It isn't hard. 

Sarah says to write in these journals everyday, but if that takes too much time then don't. I'm a big fan of cutting stress out of your life.  

But these things aren't supposed to be stressful, they are supposed to be helpful in alleviating stress. So I hope even when it seems hard and you miss a day, or two, or three etc, that you'll try again to use these tools. 


Now the Discovery Journal.

It's fun.

I was doing this before I even knew what this was.

When I was in middle school I plastered my bedroom wall with photos from magazines and words and quotes and all sorts of things. There literally wasn't any wall visible. 

This made my parents very mad.

This was probably not the best way to display my discovery journal. 

Now I use a binder. 

The whole point of the discovery journal is to find out what it is that you love. 

"Knowledge of what you love somehow comes to you"

So save cards that come to you in the mail, pick out pictures from magazines and make collages. 

"We feed our imaginations and get in touch with our authenticity by gathering together beautiful images that speak to our souls."

I just use a binder, but Sarah suggests, like the gratitude journal, to make it pretty. In my binder I keep sections for fashion and makeup, and ideas for what I want to do for each room in my home, and a section for my garden. Now to be fair, I haven't really used it lately. Something about not having money to do the things I want to do and no longer subscribing to magazines. 

But when I do come across something that catches my eye, that's where I put it. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Grandparents. Robbie and I have some pretty awesome parents, and we are super lucky that we live close by.

2) Weekends. It is so nice to have everyone home and spending time together. Cleaning together, cooking together, working together, playing together, sleeping together...

3) Grapefruit. From a friend's tree in her backyard. Gorgeous and delicious.
I took this picture!!! I feel all professional :)

4) One out of three of my children are potty trained. It just makes life so much easier.

5) Robbie. Handy, helpful, amazing...and mine.

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