Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 3rd - Simple Abundance

One definition of simple is fundamental, and one definition of abundance is plentifulness, or wealth. Fundamental plenty, fundamental wealth...but not wealth in terms of dollars and cents. 

Sarah starts off with something called internal locus of control. She says "become aware that you already possess all the inner wisdom, strength, and creativity needed to make your dreams come true." She is a true believer that having an internal locus of control will propel you to a life of contentment, and I totally agree. 

She talks about how it's often hard to realize how awesome and amazing we truly are because it gets buried by all the worries and responsibilities of daily life like bills, deadlines, laundry to name a few (do you have any idea how much laundry I do with three kids three and under? Some days there is literally a mountain almost as tall as my shoulders). 

Because of all this we have learned to rely on external things to bring us change or happiness, but "we can learn to be the catalysts for our own change" and "you already possess all you need to be genuinely happy". Learning anything is hard to do, especially when you have to unlearn something in order to learn something new. To get this you'll have to have an "emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformation...[with a]deep inner shift in your reality."

She then talks about Spirit, and how this is only possible when you "invite Spirit to open up the eyes of your awareness to the abundance that is already yours." 

I think she's totally right. I think that the Spirit is the Holy Ghost, but it can also be your conscious, or the "universe"...I think that they talk to us, or try to, and we just have to listen and ask the right questions

"By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened" - D&C

When you think about agency and accountability, that fits more with internal locus of control too, that you are in charge of your choices that you make...which I think is really cool. How awful would it be to think that everything that happened to you was out of your control? Obviously some things are out of your control...

There are 6 principles that Sarah highlights that will "when woven together, produce a tapestry of contentment that wraps us in inner peace, well-being, happiness, and a sense of security."


She ends with "be still", be patient. This is not just a year long journey, it's an entire lifetime and then some. 

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