Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 22nd - Minor Things

"Minor things can become moments of great revelation 
when encountered for the first time"

Sarah took an entire second day on excavating the real you. 

She gave us some help, gave us tons of questions and memories to go over. Your childhood home, how did you keep your room, what was your mom's cooking like, what did you do when you were sick, think about your vacations, high school, special occasions, your first home, early decorating choices...

"We tend to think it is the major events that mark our lives, when really it is the minor moments that resonate in memory. 

Lovingly pick one pleasant recollection and think about it today."

My memory was of my sister. I loved playing with her hair, braiding it, plucking her eyebrows, doing her nails...trying to take care of her. Getting her all dolled up for her graduation pictures, she's never been so beautiful. One of those times when you just look at someone and go, wow.

Gratitude Journal

1) My mom. She was in the neighborhood and just dropped by to say hi. I love my mom.

2) Laundry. Something about getting laundry done. I got everyone a bath, and went to get Jacob some underwear and what do you know, he's hidden all of them. He has like 20 pairs. All missing. I just went through the hampers, and I only found like 6 pairs. Laundry. Better to have clothes that are missing than none at all.

3) Memories. 

4) Everyone seems to be healthy. Riley must have had a 24 hour thing or something.

5) Clean rooms. I organized all the toys today, I know that tomorrow they will be unorganized, but for today they were organized. 

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