Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 21st - Choices

"Maybe being oneself is always an acquired taste."

Well isn't that true. It's taken me years to be comfortable in my own skin and to truly love and be myself. It isn't easy.

Sarah continues with the archaeological analogy and today she introduces excavating. 

It "is not glamorous work...[and] no matter how impatient everyone on the dig is, the excavation process cannot be rushed.

But there wouldn't be the thrill of discovery if time weren't invested in slowly digging in the dirt." 

That sounds a little like gardening to me. 

"As long as one keeps searching, the answers come."

"For centuries women have displayed their innate sense of style to the world through choice: 
in their personal appearance, 
in the way they decorated their homes, 
in how they entertained, 
in their work, 
and in the pursuit of their personal passions. 

The more we learn about ourselves and our preferences, the easier it is to make these choices. 

And creative choice is at the heart of authenticity.

Choice confers freedom - 
the freedom to embrace the new because 
it speaks to your soul and you are listening.

Perhaps now you have the wisdom to make alterations in your dream so that it can come true. 

Perhaps now you have the wisdom 
to choose differently."

The freedom to choose is a gift, and in making choices we also can become free.

Like happiness

I wish I had tried a little harder to choose to be a little better today.

Gratitude Journal

1) Bad days. I think I had an entire week of good days, and it was about time to have a bad one. The kids screamed, and cried, and hit, and hurt each other all day.... accept for the few rare moments that made me remember how wonderful it is to have this day, even if it wasn't the best of days... 

 Picnics in the sun
Getting both boys to sleep...literally the only two times Chase wasn't crying or whining or screaming were in these two pictures.

2) This blog, and Sarah. Here are some of the ones I thought of today. I needed to clean up a little, I needed a little bit of self care,  and I needed to stop acting like today was just a rehearsal, and how I'm just feeling a little divine discontent. Ask me if I prayed or read my scriptures today...go ahead, ask. The answer is no. Did I get dressed for the day? No. Second pajama day in a row. Did I eat well? No. I got hangry and yelled at the kids a few times.... I got my act a little more together before piano lessons, but my goodness. What a day. And the sad thing is I know I did most of it to myself. I know I would have been able to handle my circus a lot better if I had done all those things in the morning that I'm supposed to, that I know help me through the day. 

3) Tomorrow. I'm so glad that I have tomorrow to try again, to make it a better day. 

4) Robbie. He took the kids and put them to bed so I could get some alone time. I got some good work done on my cook book. 

5) Surprises. Thank you, to whoever you are. I really needed some extra loving today. And the cookies were delicious. I'm going to leave these on my door as long as possible. 

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