Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19th - Repose


I asked Robbie if he knew what that word meant, and he said "repo?"...not quite. 

I didn't know either. 

"Repose is a quality too many undervalue...

In the clamor one is irresistibly drawn to the woman 
who sits gracefully relaxed, 
who keeps her hands still, 
talks in a low voice 
and listens with responsive eyes and smiles. 

She creates a spell around her, charming to the ear, the eye and the mind."

-Good Housekeeping, November 1947

Sarah describes a woman with repose.
"We have all met her, 
that special woman who draws you into her orb with a radiant smile. 
Her eyes light up as you tell her how you've been. 
She attracts men, women, children, and animals, 
for her complete attention is soothing and hypnotic. 
When you walk away from her you feel as if 
you have been bathed in a beautiful warm light."

What do you know, another word to describe my sister. 

That warm light is "called Love
and this ancient beauty secret is available to all of us. 
When we are genuinely interested in others, 
a graciousness comes over us that is compelling...

Most of us have more harried moments in our daily lives than tranquil ones. But by taking the time to step outside our own sphere to embrace others, we open ourselves up to the power of Spirit. We are suddenly lit up from inside, and this illumination can transform our looks more effectively than any fancy salon beauty makeover.

Today, act as if you are a woman with repose of the soul.

Greet everyone you meet with a warm smile.

No matter how busy you are, don't rush your encounters...

Speak softly.

Listen attentively.

Act as if every conversation you have 
is the most important thing on your mind today.

Look your children and your partner in the eyes when they talk to you.

Stroke the cat, caress the dog.

Lavish love on every living being you meet. 

See how different you feel at the end of the day."

Repose: freedom from worry, peace of mind, calmness, tranquility.

Eternal, or heavenly rest.

What a tender mercy. 

Today is Shelby's birthday.

She would have been 20. 

All day I could barely breathe, I couldn't even think about her without crying. Which is what I'm doing now. 

What a tender mercy, that today of all days, Sarah would talk about a quality that my sister had within every fiber of her being. 

Sarah's description of a woman with repose felt like she was literally telling me about Shelby. Those hugs, that look, that smile, like she knew something you didn't and was so happy about life. That peace and quiet that always surrounded her...

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" -NT 

"Peace be unto thy soul" - D&C 

I know where I've heard the word repose before...
How Firm a Foundation, vs 7. 

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, 
I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake. 

Check out MOTAB's arrangement. 

Definitely something to ponder about. 
I think it's probably a Christlike attribute. 

Gratitude Journal

1) Sunday. I'm so grateful for a day of rest. 

2) Waffles. For the record, bacon and chocolate chip cookies and syrup are amazing on waffles.

3) Shelby. 

4) Sick kiddos. Jacob was sick, now Chase is sick...Riley might get sick and is probably at the very least a carrier. They aren't as sick as some of our friends, just sick enough to not go anywhere. And they are super cuddly. I love cuddling sick babies, even though I wish they weren't sick, I do love the cuddles. Sick just means we're building up the immune system! 

5) Little hands. Riley came up to me today and just took my hand and started leading me around the house. Shelby was a hand holder all her life. Riley reminds me of her sometimes. 

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