Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20th - Beauty and Charm

Sarah has quoted Marianne Williamson before.


Today Sarah shared this one.

"Don't you love it when some incredibly beautiful woman like 
Linda Evans or Cindy Crawford tells us that 
the real beauty secret is finding your inner light?

No shit.

But I've done the same things these women have done to find my inner light and while it's true I'm happier, I still don't look like them."


I'm pretty sure this is Linda and Cindy. 

Gosh they are gorgeous.

But so are you. 

"We can't all look like Linda Evans or Cindy Crawford, 
[nor would we want to]
but we can each look our best. 

Simplicity plays a part...
we begin to rethink how to put together our best look.

Our authentic look.

Gradually we learn that the "less is more" approach applies to makeup and fashion as well as to decorating and entertaining. 

Ironically, this desire to look our best comes 
we have committed to our inner work. 

As we go within...we begin to blossom on the outside...

gives us the motivation to move forward, 
whether in searching for a healthier way of eating 
or finding the right exercise regime. 

Perhaps we're starting to wear makeup more frequently and caring how we dress even when we're just doing errands or carpooling. 
[or cleaning the house]

These are subtle changes that have a profound impact on how we feel about ourselves. 

Why does working on our inner beauty produce outward charm? 

Perhaps it is because the two are inexorably connected."

I don't know about you, but it doesn't matter how pretty people are on the outside, if they're not pretty on the inside too. 

I can tell you from personal experience with my friends, that they are all the more lovely because they are amazing, inside and out. 

And I have been beginning to feel that way about myself too. 

And how marvelous is it to say out loud to the mirror, 
"I love the way I look, I love the way I feel, I love who I am"?

It's pretty wonderful.

Gratitude Journal

1) Cleaning. I love to clean, and learning to clean things properly makes me super happy. I learned how to clean the couch. Thank you to whoever posted this on Facebook, I have spent a couple hours cleaning 3ish years of dirt off of my couch! This formula works great!!! I've completely covered 20 wash cloths in dirt. And I stopped because I ran out of cloths, not because there was no more dirt coming up. I'm going to do it a little bit every day and then keep up with it now that I know how to do it.

2) Sick babies. Sick babies means movies. All day. And pajamas. Sure, lots of crying and whining...but then Robbie gets home and it's only another hour or two until bed time. 

3) Whole house fan. It's pretty amazing having a cool breeze through your house.

4) My health. All three kids are sick, but I'm not. I can handle this.

5) It's bed time, and tomorrow is another day.

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