Tuesday, March 28, 2017

March 28th - Clearing

"It's never too late
-in fiction or in life-
to revise."

"Revising your wardrobe to reflect your authenticity begins when you ruthlessly part with the fashion mistakes and mismatches that crowd your closets 
and confuse your cluttered mind. 

But let's be realistic for a moment.

Most women I know have to be psyched up 
before they can tackle a project like this. 

Clearing out closets and dresser drawers is daunting to contemplate
(all that money, all those bad choices)
and hard work once you're at it. 

But few things are as satisfying as bringing order to a closet 
in which chaos once reigned. 

A change of seasons provides the perfect opportunity to get to work because it's time to pack away winter clothes and bring out spring and summer ones. 

With a plan of attack, 
you can also clear away the past."

Sarah's plan of attack:

          *You need at least 2 hours
          *Boxes and garbage bags in the room you're working in
          *Happy music
          *Take everything out of your closet

"There, it's too late to turn back now."

          *Look at every item
          *Try things on you're not sure about
          *Don't forget your accessories

"Keep only those things you love 
- things that make you look beautiful or feel fabulous. This is simplicity at work."

"Consider the various real lives you lead and the clothes you need for them: 
work, dress-up, and comfort. 

If you haven't worn something in a year, why not?
Be willing to part with it, even if it was expensive.

Don't save it unless it has tremendous sentimental value...
If you have room to pack away sentimental favorites, the do so.
If you don't, be willing to pass them on to someone else who will love them as much as you once did.

Now take the plunge
and give away the rest to those who will bless your generosity.
In return, you'll experience a sense of grateful abundance when you realize how much you can give away.

This positive attitude is essential for attracting more prosperity into our lives. 

Every woman has fashion mistakes that clutter up her sense of style 
and tempt her to whine about her wardrobe. 

Clearing our closets of past incarnations provides the space and freedom for us to choose clothing in the future that authentically reflects the women we are becoming."

She has some more good advice,
"What if some of the items don't fit you today but you still love them? Save only one size smaller than you're wearing now, because getting back into it is a realistic goal and something to work toward."

I might suggest also, if you are an adventurous seamstress, or love it so much you want to spend a little money to get it tailored, keep the things you love that you'd like to try and make fit. Shirts are pretty easy to take in or fix the sleeves. 

I also like keeping shirts that I love and turning them into dresses or shirts for Riley.  

Also, I'm going to actually put away the winter clothes. 
See what that does to my closet.

Do you guys remember in 2015 that book that was going around? The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Here is an article about it, hopefully it will help you (and me) to get on with this.


I can't wait to show you guys tomorrow everything I pull out

This is happening.

Gratitude Journal

1) Kids. I ask them to get some toilet paper so I could help them blow their noses, they bring me the whole roll, and drag it all over the living room, with huge smiles. I love them so much.

2) Getting laundry done. Last week the kids were sick, then this weekend I was sick, I think I probably always feel like I'm behind in the housework...but then I do some laundry and feel better.

3) Sunshine. Jacob says the cutest thing, "the sun's awake! Can I go outside now?" Probably got that from Frozen.

4) Cutting stress out of my life. Sometimes it sucks to say no, but already it feels better. 

5) Good books. And reading at lunch during nap time. 

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