Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21st - Books

"We read books to find out who we are."

I LOVE books.

Like REALLY love books.

Like I will spend days as a hermit, 
barely eating or drinking because I can't put a book down.

I'm a little obsessive.
It can be a problem.

Start Quote
There are many additional ways 
to enjoy books as a personal pursuit 
besides reading them:

belonging to a book club,
rediscovering the old favorites you loved as a child,
and searching for that next irresistible volume 
in which to lose yourself...

[Do you know how many books are in publication?
According to Google, about 130 million in modern history,
with new books being published every year.

There's no way we could ever read all of them in one lifetime.]

We need to learn how to nurture the talent of selection.

Book browsing is a meditative art.

Every woman should have three well paved avenues 
for page-turning adventures:

a proper bookstore stocked by bibliophiles,

a choice secondhand haunt,

and a civilized lending library. 

Books are as essential as breathing.
End Quote

I have not spent as much time reading
 as I would have liked the last four years. 
We moved two years ago and the books are still in boxes 
because we don't have bookshelves to put them in, 
and if we did the kids would tear them up. 

But I try to make the time, 
because reading is so enjoyable,
 that to not I might die. 

At least a part of me would die.

One thing I love is trying to instill a love of reading with my kids. 
I can't wait until they're a little bit older, and instead of watching tv together we'll read through Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia...

One thing I really want to help them with is setting a good example for scripture reading. I can read through a non fiction book in the blink of an eye, like 600 pages no problem. But I can hardly get through one page of scripture without my mind wandering. If I can help set them up for success by reading the scriptures with them and help make them come alive, that would be awesome. 

Also, reading a book to Jacob is about the only way I can get him to take a nap nowadays. And probably in a year I'll have to do it for the twins too. Just the start of all of us reading together. 

Favorite book, ready go!

Gratitude Journal

1) My piano is finished!!! I'm so ready to play, the last week has been too quiet. The keys aren't perfect, but it's so much better than it was.
After                                         Before

2) Therapy. She described how depression is like a wave, and the trick is to learn how to ride it. On days when you're depressed, you need to do even more self care then you usually do. I'm looking forward to the next bad day, is that crazy?

3) Making the time to run with my friend.

4) School. I think school might literally be the best thing that has ever happened to me. We dropped Jacob off, ran an errand, went grocery shopping, dropped everything off at the house, picked Jacob up, ate, took a super long nap, and that was the morning and afternoon! And it was glorious.

 Jacob's very best friend also had his first day. 

5) My kids. They are pretty awesome. They bring so much joy to my life.

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