Sunday, August 20, 2017

August 20th - Subconscious

"There is a gold mine within you
from which you can extract everything you need
to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly."

I am way out of my comfort zone on this,
but Sarah has done some research.

Start Quote
Did you figure out who Rupelstiltskin really was?


He was the miller's daughter's subconscious mind.

[Nope. I did not get that.]

"You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, 
more health, more happiness and more joy 
by learning to contact and release 
the hidden power of your subconscious mind," 
than any wizard could ever conjure, Joseph Murphy tells us...

The conscious mind is where reason resides 
and the subconscious, or deeper mind, 
is where our emotions and creativity dwell.

"The main point to remember 
is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, 
it begins to execute it," Dr. Murphy explains. 

"It works by association of ideas 
and uses every bit of knowledge that you have gathered 
in your lifetime to bring about its purpose. 
It draws on the infinite power, energy, and wisdom within you. 
It lines up all the laws of nature to get its way..."
[Our subconscious kind of sounds like it kicks butt.]

In the fable Rumpelstiltskin, the cycle of creation begins 
with the command given to the subconscious mind. 
For dreams to be called forth to the physical plane, 
a declaration must be made: 
"My daughter can spin straw into gold."

Sometimes the task we agree to take on seems virtually impossible. 

We think we don't have the time, talent, 
resources, or support to achieve it. 

But we are intrigued by the possibilities, 
just as the king is captivated by the thought of more wealth. 

Our authentic longings embolden us to obey the command: 
spin the straw into gold or suffer the consequences. 
Let the dream die and with it will die the authentic life 
for which we long.

So we try to spin our straw, using all the skills of our rational mind
- our reasoning, our experience, our craft.

But when we rely solely on reason to manifest dreams, 
all we end up with is straw. 

However, we have a strange creative collaborator 
who knows how to spin straw into gold. 
It is Rumpelstiltskin, our subconscious mind. 
Instead of a necklace or a ring, 
we surrender pride and control of the dream.
 Instead of our firstborn child, we surrender our ego; 
we admit we cannot do it alone. 

We must give the order to our subconscious to work it out, 
then slip into a creative slumber in order that the 
subconscious mind can go to work on our behalf.

When you are creating and you find yourself stuck, 
let go and turn it over to the Deeper Wisdom 
dwelling beyond your reasoning.

When you are perplexed, 
you need to ask the subconscious to take over, 
preferably at night. 
In the morning, the answer should be forthcoming. 
But if it's not, continue asking questions before you go to sleep. 
How do I proceed? 
How do I spin my straw into gold? 
Tell your subconscious mind to awaken you with the answer. 
By the third morning
- three is a very mystical number -
the answers should start to be revealed. 

Amazingly, when we harness the incredible power 
of the subconscious in our lives, 
we can accomplish whatever we set out to do, 
no matter what obstacles we have to overcome. 

Hold the vision of the completed dream in your mind. 
See your heart's desire. 
Feel the thrill of accomplishment. 
Offer grateful thanks in advance. 
Don't ask how it will come to pass, 
just know that it will. 
Now go to work. 

Today, prepare to evolve from a poor miller's daughter into a queen. 
End Quote

Whelp, Sarah is much smarter than I am. 

I did not get that. 

At all.

Anyone have anything to add on the subconscious mind? 
'Cause I got nothing.

Gratitude Journal

1) Bad feelings. So last week we were late to church, like a whole hour late, missed the most important part of church. I said I was going to be better about managing my time so that didn't happen again...well...I didn't. I knew Jacob needed a nap, so I read to him, and then I was like oh I'm just going to close my eyes for a little while. I woke up and it's 1 o'clock. Church starts at 1 o'clock...So I got a bad feeling, like a complacent feeling, like if I keep this up it's just going to get easier and easier to not go to church. And I don't want that to happen. Bad feelings can be good wake up calls. 

2) Cheating. Sometimes it's okay to cheat. For example, Jacob's best friend starts school tomorrow also, and we wanted to take pictures together, but we didn't want to risk being late for school. So we cheated, and did pictures today. She is super talented.

3) Boys. The boys were thick as thieves all weekend long, and it was really cool to see.

4) School starts tomorrow. I'm so ready to be on a set schedule. It's been like 4 years since I've been on a school schedule, and I miss it.

5) Talented artists. Someone gave this drawing as a gift to my parents, and we hung it up in Shelby's room today.

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