Friday, September 22, 2017

September 22nd - Learning Curve

"I would like to learn,
or remember,
how to live."

Start Quote
[God uses many different ways to communicate with us.]
So don't question the validity of what you hear or how you hear it
if the truth resonates within...

Don't cut yourself off from sources of inspiration...

[Have you ever come to] the sudden awareness that you've 
spent your entire life going backward instead of forward[?]

You may have believed that seeking a spiritual path was all about
submission, sacrifice, and suffering 
and that only the worldly path could provide 
freedom, fulfillment, and good fortune.

Then one [wake up].

And when you do, you realize that you have to unlearn 
practically everything you've taken for granted...

Don't panic.

This really isn't as hard as it sounds.

Has the other path worked?
Have any of the world's gifts given you authentic happiness?
Has the perfect job, relationship, house, money, 
or anything else you thought would do it for you, 
fulfilled you for longer than a week?

So trust your experiences and impulses;
you've had them for a reason.

Real life has a steep learning curve, 
but once you respond from personal knowledge
instead of by rote,
it's easier than you might have thought.

What's more, Real Life actually becomes fun.

Here's what I think happens. 
Just before we come to earth to begin this life, 
we are given a photograph of our futures 
to get us excited about the adventure ahead

As the photo pops out of the celestial camera
we're in such a hurry to get on with it, 
we grab the negative instead of the photograph. 

Now we've got the pattern of a fabulous life, 
but the perspective is reversed. 
What's white looks black. 
What's black appears white. 
We've got the big picture, but it's backward. 
So we cry when we should be laughing, 
are envious when we should feel inspired, 
experience deprivation instead of abundance, 
do it the hard way instead of the easy way, 
pull back instead of reaching out. 

And worst of all, we close our hearts so we won't get hurt, 
when opening them is the only way we'll ever know joy. 

How many times have we waited for Spirit to move for us, 
when in fact, Spirit is waiting to work with us

Today, take the negative of your Divine Plan 
and let Love develop it 
so that you can begin living the life 
for which you were created.

It's time to move forward.
End Quote

I don't remember who it was that shared this with me,
maybe they heard it at a Time Out for Women...
But they told me a story they heard about a woman
who had some serious trails in her life, 
and she believed that we were shown in heaven 
the trails we would face in this life,
and we wept for joy and accepted them with much rejoicing...

Can't you feel it?

The winds changing?

Fall is here.

The leaves are going to start changing color,
and start to fall.

It's going to get colder. 

I can feel it.

Can you? 

We're maybe, just maybe, 
getting to the end of that learning curve...

Gratitude Journal

1) Orson Scott Card. He is one of my favorite authors. I first fell in love with his Ender's Game series, and now I have a new favorite. His women of Genesis series. Oh, my, goodness. SO AMAZING! I can't wait to read every book he's ever written, and everything he keeps writing. He's still adding books to Ender's Game. SO AMAZING!!!

2) The kids are feeling better. You know how we can't have joy without sorrow because there has to be an opposition in all things? I forget every now and then, and get caught up in the sorrow. And then days like today happen. I've been cooped up all week with crying babies who are in pain, not getting enough sleep or self care or anything done except caring for them, today broke me. Well, the good news is that their fevers also broke and their sores have started to heal. They actually ate today, played, drank, made messes, smiled, laughed, told jokes, and yet still wanted to hold my hand. And sleep! They are actually sleeping!!! It's like the past week didn't happen. It's kind of crazy to see first hand how wise and all knowing God is, because when we're in the midst of the sorrow it's hard to see the light...but he knows that the light and the joy is appreciated so much more because we passed through the darkness. And it's true. I saw it on my kids faces today, in every smile, that life is so good and God is good. 

3) Robbie. He brought dinner home because I called him crying. None of my kids cried today, just me. I can't wait till tomorrow, there should be no more crying in this house!

4) God's promises, that this too shall pass.

5) The cool weather.

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