Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23rd - The Yoke

Well, it's official!
We are out of the hundreds!
There are 99 days left in the year.

I think I'll save the big celebrating for when this is all over,
because I've got a little something I've very happy about
that I'm counting as celebrating.

My daily views used to average around 40, then 60, 
and now it averages over 100 daily!

Not like it matters, because even if no one read my blog 
I'd still be happy that I was doing this, 
but it is really cool.

So over 100 people a day,
passing the 100 day mark,
ta dah!

Thank you to all my readers, 
I appreciate you! 
Good luck with the next 99 days,
we're gonna need it.

Today Sarah talks about some scriptures. 

She starts off with the idea that 
God doesn't give us more than we can handle...

And I don't think that's true.

I think he pushes us to our limits,
I know that he has certainly pushed me past mine...

I think this idea comes from 1 Corinthians 10:13

"There hath no temptation taken you 
but such as is common to man: 

but God is faithful, who will not suffer you
 to be tempted above that ye are able; 

but will with the temptation also make a way to escape
that ye may be able to bear it."

I think a lot of people focus on the part that says 
God "will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able"...
Well, yeah, if you take it like that, 
we should be able to withstand anything thrown our way.

But if it were that easy, then why do we still sin?
Why do we still make mistakes?
Why do we still struggle?

I think it's because we forget about the second part.
"But will with the temptation
also make a way to escape,
that ye may be able to bear it."

Jesus gives us a great symbolism in Matthew 11:28-30.

          "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; 
for I am meek and lowly in heart: 
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
   For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." 

If our yoke was supposed to be bearable, 
why would he tell us to take his yoke upon us?

Elder Bednar gives a great talk about this topic. 

I have felt the unbearable and unendurable pain 
of my sister passing, and of course to top it all off
dealing with depression.

It at times has seemed more than I can bear.

And it was, when I was doing it alone.

I think the whole point is to learn to rely on our Savior. 

So now that we've covered that, 
Sarah talks about Oprah Winfrey and one of her ideas.

Start Quote
The concept of God never giving us more than we can handle
refers to much more than just the stoic bearing of
pain and suffering.
God's giving also includes the goodies
-wealth, worldly success, power.
If you think you're not strong enough to bear the Glory,
rest assured, it will be withheld
until you believe you can and ask for it.
End Quote

I disagree.
As stated above, I think we are quite often 
given more than we can handle,
on both ends of the spectrum.

I don't think that if you ask God for fame and fortune 
that he'll give it to you just because you can handle it.

I don't think God works that way.

I think that if you ask him to help you 
sustain and provide for your family, 
that he will help you do that...
whether that's as a millionaire or middle class I don't know.

I think that if you continue on this authentic path,
and become who you are meant to be,
then you'll be a good person. 

And if you're a good person than you'll know 
that you can handle whatever comes your way,
whether fame and fortune or destitution and despair. 
And you'll also know that you're not alone,
and that God doesn't ask you to do it alone.

Even if you get lost, you can find your way again.

Whether you are so lost that you are the one,
or your just one of the ninety and nine.

Do you know what ended up happening to Sarah?
It's a very sad story, but it has a happy ending.

She had great success, for 119 weeks in fact, 
she was number 1 on the NYT best sellers list.
And I don't know how it all happened or the timeline,
but I think she got divorced twice? 
Once to the father of her child, and second to a Brit?
And she lost everything. Home, family, money...
She was given much more than she could handle.

But because Sarah had gone through this authentic journey, 
she eventually remembered who she was, 
and turned her trials into a new book on finance. 
She found her way back to herself.

Just remember that everything is going to be okay,
even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

I bear you my testimony that 
as I have come to know my Savior Jesus Christ 
and tried to take his yoke upon me
 instead of carrying my own around, 
my trails have been made bearable. 

And I imagine my successes as well,
I guess I should start paying a little more attention huh.

Chin up, you got this.

Gratitude Journal

1) I missed conference tonight because the kids are still recovering and they were being little beasts so I stayed home and Robbie and I got them to bed together. I'm so grateful for the technological advances of our day and age! I remember a few years ago when you had to wait a week to stream it, and month until it was available online. But now you can stream it live and then watch it immediately after! I'm so excited! 

2) Chick flicks.

3) Spending time with Robbie. We ate spicy ramen, watched a chick flick, and played candy crush. It's fun to just hang out.

4) Tomorrow is Sunday! One more day of quarantine and we're free! I'm so grateful it's almost over!

5)  Memories.

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