Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24th - Money

Okay, a quick just so you know,
yesterday I had almost 200 page views. 
That's a little crazy, right?
Thank you!

"Do what you love,
and the money will follow."

Sarah says that if you don't believe this,
that Marsha "can make a believer out of you". 

Start Quote
Sinetar is actually not the first to advise us along these lines.
Countless sages, poets, and philosophers have done so,
though each has put it differently...

But still we ask:
Does it really?

Yes. But not the way you're used to getting it.

In the first place, the money usually doesn't come all at once,
especially in the beginning.

In the second place, the money will come from unexpected sources.

But it will come, and here's why.

When you start following your authentic path, 
you're finally using the gifts Spirit expects you to use. 
You're actively searching for the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth.
You're holding up your end of the bargain. 

Spirit's part of the pact is to make sure you have 
everything you need to make you truly happy.

This includes money...

Trust me, doing what you love does eventually lead to the ATM.
But you might have a few detours before you get there. 

Which brings us to the third and final caveat:
We must not tell Spirit how the money should be delivered, 
when it should arrive, or in what denomination.

This is not a ransom.

Spirit's been delivering the goods for a long time now.
Spirit doesn't need our input, 
although it's been my experience that friendly suggestions and reminders every now and then about exactly 
what bills need to be paid doesn't seem out of line.

Essentially what happens when you begin to do what you love
is that you get a new employer: 
Spirit always pays us in proportion to how hard we work...
Sometimes it can...take years [for the paycheck to arrive, 
but] it does arrive. And the first time you get paid 
for doing what you love to do will be one of the most 
thrilling moments of your life. 

It's worth the wait.
End Quote

The first time we talked about money was at 
the very beginning of the year, January 12th
I added some budget talk to what Sarah was talking about. 

Because if you can't spend your money wisely, or save it,
it doesn't matter how much you make.

We have some good anecdotal evidence to prove that
if you do what you love the money will follow.

When Robbie and I decided that after I graduated college 
we would start a family and I would stay home with the kids
while they were young, people laughed at us.
They mocked us saying 
"you'll never be able to live on a single income."

Well, we did. We did and we are. 
Because we're doing what we love,
and so the money is following.

We have another good example of this in our lives.
Robbie had this great job, we were very fortunate to have it. 
He learned so much there, and we will be forever grateful.
He was working 70 plus hours a week, 
and while the pay was good it was tearing our family apart. 

They told him that the world is a dark and scary place
and you don't know what you're getting into with a new company,
basically trying to scare him out of quitting.

But he had to do it. 
Working there was turning him into a not so nice person.

So he found a new job, a job that valued family 
and not selling your soul to the devil to get your paycheck.
The first year was rough, we took a 30% pay cut 
and had to go on WIC just to make it by...
But then the next year we got a raise, and were able to get off WIC.

And now we're living very comfortably.

Even now, Robbie is still trying to make sure
 that he's doing what he loves,
 even if he's had to wait a year doing something 
he isn't particularly enthralled with.
Fingers crossed that he'll get there soon!

Now we can get into a huge debate about money, right?
I mean, what if you love flipping burgers 
and you want to be a millionaire?
It's not going to happen.
Even if you get paid $15 an hour. 
What if you love making art, 
but you can't sell enough to make a living?
What if you love to be a couch potato and 
watch movies and play video games all day and hate working? 
Well that's probably not going to work as is, 
you probably need a better plan.

I'm not saying that you're going to be rollin' in it.
I'm not saying quit your day job like now,
I'm suggesting you think about it.

What do you love to do, 
and how can you make it so that you can 
live off of doing what you love?

It doesn't have to be a product, it could be a skill or your brain...
something that others can't do without.

Think about it. 
It is possible.

Gratitude Journal

1) Church. Since the kids are still recovering and I didn't want to risk anyone getting sick, Robbie stayed home with them and I got to go to all three hours all by myself. It was heavenly.

2) I'm grateful for the scriptures. 

3) I'm grateful for my Savior.

4) I'm grateful that Robbie did the dishes. 

5) I'm grateful for Fresno State Corn...the most delicious corn you'll ever have.

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