Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25th - Role Models

"I've always believed that one woman's success 
another woman's success."

I firmly believe this.

We have this idea that has seeped into our hearts that 
if someone else has succeeded 
that their success somehow lessens 
whatever we do, or even who we are.

It's rampant on social media. 

Whether its fitness, cooking, baking, sewing, singing, 
crafting, decorating, doing cute videos or pictures...
you name it, it's there.
Someone's doing something AWESOME,
and they're probably doing it better than you.

And instead of thinking
"I'm really happy for them and that they are successful"
we think
"why can't I be that cool?"

It doesn't have to be a competition.
It's only a competition if YOU make it one.

Why not instead be happy for their success,
and then try to be happy and successful in your life,
and in YOUR own way.

This is what Sarah's talking about today.

Start Quote
If there's something you want to do with your life
and another woman has done it before you,
there's NO reason you can't achieve it too.

And if no woman has ever done what you dream of doing,
there's NO reason you can't be the first.
Someone has to be.

Who are the women you most admire?
Find out everything you can about their lives 
because they have secrets to share with you

In 1908, Napoleon Hill was a college student 
and a fledgling freelance writer. 
He obtained an interview with Andrew Carnegie, 
who was then the world's richest man. 
Hill wanted to write a profile that would reveal 
Carnegie's secrets for accumulating his vast fortune. 
Carnegie was so impressed with the young man that the 
initial three-hour interview stretched into three days.

During this time Carnegie asked Hill if he 
would be willing to devote the next twenty years 
to one of the millionaire's pet projects: 
interviewing other successful entrepreneurs 
and distilling their success secrets into a formula that 
average men and women could use to achieve their dreams. 
Carnegie offered Hill no financial incentive 
but he did promise him introductions to 
such famous men as Thomas Edison, 
Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and Luther Burbank. 
Hill jumped at the chance.

The result was an immensely successful writing career 
that eventually led in 1937 to the publication of 
Hill's philosophy of personal achievement, 

Coming as it did in the midst of the Great Depression, 
the book's uplifting message, 
"Whatever the mind can conceive and can achieve," captured the country's imagination. 
Hill's book eventually became one of the most 
influential ever published, selling over ten million copies. 
It spawned the self-actualization publishing genre.

One of the secrets that Hill discovered 
was that many successful dreamers enjoy 
personal reveries with their role models. 

Hill suggests creating an imaginary council 
with a group of "Invisible Counselors," 
composed of the people you most admire. 

At night before you go to sleep, 
close your eyes and conduct success strategy sessions 
in which you seek the advice of your heroines. 
While the meetings are "purely imaginary," 
Hill believes they make us more 
"receptive to ideas, thoughts, and knowledge" 
which reaches us through our sixth sense, intuition

If your role models are alive and achieving, 
think of them as clearing the brush for you. 
Follow their tracks. 
Research everything you can about their personal journeys. 
Do they make personal appearances, give lectures 
or workshops you can attend? 
Join women's business associations, network at conferences, 
ask for advice and occasionally look down at the floor. 

Someone has laid down a path for you to follow.
End Quote

I talked about something like this in

I talked about how it's a blessing to know our weaknesses,
and to be receptive to other people trying to help you.

Now lets acknowledge and praise other people's 
successes, wisdom, knowledge, techniques, 
and their failures too. 

And lets learn from them.

I have a lot of fictional characters that I love. 

I'm sure I'm forgetting characters...

And I'm going to have to start compiling a list
of real people...

Who do you admire?
Please share, because obviously my list is lacking.
Men and women,
lets hear it!

Gratitude Journal

1) Therapy. My gosh I'm learning so much. Tonight I learned a lot, but to sum it up I learned that you need to parent yourself. 

2) Food. I love food.

3) Cool weather.

4) Whole house fans.

5) Being able to laugh about a terrible morning where everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and not letting it ruin my day. 

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