Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 26th - Patience, Perseverance and Persistence

"Nothing in the world can take the place of 

Talent will not; 
nothing is more commonplace than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education alone will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent."

Start Quote
Patience is the art of waiting.

Like all high arts, it takes time to master,
which shouldn't be surprising, 
since patience is the knowledge of time. 

How to use time to your advantage, 
how to be at the right place at the right time,
how to pick your moments,
how to bite your tongue.

Patience is discovering the mysterious pattern of cycles 
that cradle the Universe and ensure that everything 
that has happened once will recur. 

Perseverance in life is being steadfast;

Persistence is grittier than perseverance.

Perseverance is achievement's perspiration;
persistence is its sweat.

Persistence is knocking on Heaven's doors 
so often and so loudly on behalf of your dreams 
that eventually you'll be given what you want, 
just to shut you up...

The potent alchemy of patience and persistence,
which together become endurance
must have been what the Lebanese poet 
Hoda al-Namai was meditating on when she wrote:

I have not withdrawn into despair,
I did not go mad in gathering honey,
I did not go mad,
I did not go mad,
I did not go mad.

If you are determined to gather life's honey, 
to stick your hand into the hive
again and again and again,
to be stung so many times that you become numb to the pain, 
to persevere and persist 
till those who know and love you 
become unable to think of you as a fairly normal woman,
you will not be called mad.

You will be called authentic.
End Quote 

Gratitude Journal

1) Good friends who send you power cords when yours breaks.

2) Shopping. Retail therapy is awesome. 

3) Candy. We took a trip to a candy store in the mall today, turns out they were the only ones with these kinds of suckers in stock.

4) Hearing Robbie help someone out. 

5) Cafe Rio and a chick flick. Random date night in the middle of the week. Sometimes you just need it.

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