Thursday, October 19, 2017

October 19th - Compliments

I think there are several things that this world needs more of.

Glitter, kindness, and compliments.

Start Quote
 All women need more compliments in their lives.
We need to give more of them to our
 families, friends, and strangers. 
We need to hear more of them, 
even if we have to give them to ourselves. 
But most of all, we need to bask in them...

[Too many times when we are given a compliment,
we shrug it off! So we stop receiving them.]

No one enjoys hanging around an ingrate, 
and that's exactly what we are when we 
discount the marvelous about ourselves. 

It's interesting that the first dictionary definition
 of a compliment is "an expression of esteem." 
Perhaps we have a difficult time accepting compliments 
because deep down we don't believe we deserve them. 
When we aren't willing to receive praise,
it's because our self-esteem is flagging.

Today, be receptive.
Start with the assumption that you're 
beautiful, dazzling, [and] absolutely fabulous...

Every time someone pays you a compliment, accept it...
Smile and say "Thank you..."

Become abundant with your compliments to others.

We're all so fragile, especially when we put on a brave face.
A sincere compliment can penetrate beneath 
even the most sophisticated masks to soothe troubled souls. 
The woman you think needs compliments the least 
is probably the one who needs them most.

Cultivate the habit of giving at least one compliment a day 
to another human being, as well as to yourself.

You'll feel good when you do, and soon it will 
become one of your habits of being

Just as words can hurt, words can heal. 
End Quote

I love compliments.
I also love giving them. 

I could probably do better about it though, 
one compliment to someone a day?
That seems like a lot.
I'll have to give it a try.

Also remember, 
it's only awkward if you make it awkward. 
If the person you give the compliment to doesn't accept it, 
just brush it off. You did good.

Gratitude Journal

1) TV. Thank you Lord for PJ Masks and that the kids played nicely today.

2) I'm not feeling well, but I'm grateful I'm not dying. It could be worse.

3) Going to bed early, so amazing.

4) I'm grateful for my home.

5) I'm grateful for school, and that Jacob loves it so much.


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